Amplitudes 2018
Conference Name:
Amplitudes 2018
June 18-22, 2018
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Scattering amplitudes are the arena where quantum field theory directly confronts experiment. At the LHC, quarks and gluons inside each proton slam together, producing a cornucopia of jets, electroweak bosons, the occasional Higgs boson, and perhaps the needles of new physics inside the haystack of the Standard Model. Advances in our theoretical understanding of scattering amplitudes have a practical benefit: they enable more precise predictions of Standard Model cross sections at the LHC, which in turn assist experimental measurements and searches for new particles. Yet these advances have also revealed beautiful and intriguing structures and patterns, both within individual theories and relating different theories to each other, which suggest that our fundamental understanding of quantum field theory is far from complete. June 18-22, SLAC will host the international conference Amplitudes 2018, which is devoted to the study of scattering amplitudes and related topics. Some of the topics to be explored include:
- New mathematical structures behind scattering amplitudes
- Relations between scattering amplitudes in different theories, such as double-copying gauge theory into gravity
- General structure of multi-loop integrands
- Polylogarithmic and elliptic structure of multi-loop integrals and amplitudes in field theory and string theory
- Infrared structure and soft theorems
- Integrability
- AdS/CFT and strong coupling
- Advances relevant for LHC physicsScientific Advisory Committee
Scientific Organizing Committee
- Nima Arkani-Hamed, Institute for Advanced Study
- Song He, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Beijing
- Einan Gardi, University of Edinburgh
- Henrik Johansson, Uppsala University and Nordita
- David Kosower, CEA Saclay
- Lorenzo Magnea , University of Torino
- Pedro Vieira, Perimeter Institute and ICTP-SAIFR
- Anastasia Volovich, Brown University
- Lauren Williams, UC Berkeley
Local Organizing Committee
- Zvi Bern, UCLA
- Lance Dixon, SLAC
- Falko Dulat, SLAC
- Enrico Herrmann, SLAC
- Stefan Höche, SLAC
- Jaroslav Trnka, UC Davis
Past Amplitudes Conferences
- University of Edinburgh (2017)
- Nordita, Stockholm (2016)
- ETH Zürich (2015)
- IPhT Saclay (2014)
- Ringberg Castle (2013)
- DESY Hamburg (2012)
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2011)
- Queen Mary University of London (2010)
- IPPP Durham (2009)
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