SSI | SLAC Summer Institute 2018
SLAC Summer Institute 2018
July 30th - August 10th, 2018
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Kavli Auditorium
Summer School Theme:
Standard Model at 50: Successes and Challenges
The SLAC Summer Institute (SSI) is an annual two-week-long Summer School tradition since 1973. Lectures are given Monday through Friday each morning. The afternoons contain a mixture of special lectures, topical conference talks, discussion sessions, student projects and tours. In the evenings, there are social activities and student poster sessions. The attendance is typically a mixture from graduate students to postdocs, as well as senior researchers.
The 2018 SLAC Summer Institute celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Standard Model with a broad overview of the multiple successes and the various challenges that the SM still faces. In addition to a survey of the historical development of the different components of the SM, the contemporary theoretical and experimental framework of the SM will be reviewed with prospects of new horizon beyond it.
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Question & Answers:
Contest Question:
"What experiment or set of experiments will demonstrably discover new physics beyond the SM & what will be the nature of the theory that replaces it ?"
Participant List
Last Name | First Name | Affiliation |
Adhikari | Kiran | GoldenGate International College (Tribhuvan University) |
Ahmed | Zeeshan | SLAC |
Alrashed | Munerah | Kansas State University |
Ankowski | Artur | SLAC |
Asadi | Pouya | Rutgers University |
Bansal | Saurabh | University of Notre Dame |
Barklow | Timothy | SLAC |
Beyer | Julien-Christopher | Max-Planck-Institut for Physics |
Blinov | Nikita | SLAC |
Breidenbach | Marty | SLAC |
Brodsky | Stanley | SLAC |
Butterworth | Jon | University College of London |
Campanile | Raffaele | University of Naples, Federico II |
Caola | Fabrizio | CERN |
Cartaro | Concetta | SLAC |
Cheong | Sanha | SLAC / Stanford |
Chou | Pin-Chun | National Taiwan University |
Cirigliano | Vincenzo | Los Alamos Nat'l Lab |
Convery | Mark | SLAC |
Convery | Mark | SLAC |
Conway | John | UC Davis |
Dawson | Sally | Brookhaven |
de Gouvea | Andre | Northwestern University |
Diaz | Alejandro | MIT |
Diaz | Enrique | BUAP |
Diolaiti | Valentina | University of Bologna |
Dixon | Lance | SLAC |
Dodelson | Scott | Carnegie Mellon University |
Dorfan | Jonathan | SLAC |
Dulat | Falko | SLAC |
Dutta | Irene | Caltech |
Erbacher | Robin | U C Davis |
Evans | Lyn | CERN |
Fang | Yi | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Figueroa | Diogenes | Florida State |
Filkins | Amy | College of William & Mary |
Freitas | Ayres | U of Pittsburgh |
Friedland | Alexander | SLAC |
Gemmell | Caleb | University of Auckland |
Gonella | Giulia | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Grimm | Kathryn | California State University, East Bay |
Grimm | Kathryn | Cal State East Bay |
Gustavson | David | SLAC Retiree |
Haber | Howard | UC Santa Cruz |
Han | Yubo | Institute of High energy of Physics |
Herrmann | Enrico | SLAC |
Hewett | JoAnne | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Hitlin | David | Caltech |
Hoeche | Stefan | SLAC |
Holmes | Richard | The Boeing Company |
Hood | Greg | Retired |
Jenni | Peter | Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg |
Kaufman | Lisa | SLAC |
Kearns | Ed | Boston University |
Kiburg | Brendan | FermiLab |
Kim | Young-Kee | U of Chicago |
Kinoshita | Kay | University of Cincinnati |
Kolosova | Marina | University of Cyprus |
Konstantinou | Sotiroulla | University of Cyprus |
Kronfeld | Andreas | FermiLab |
Krunic | Michael | California State University, East Bay |
Kuchibhotla | Adithya | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Kumar | Krishna | Stony Brook University |
Kurth | Matthew | IHEP, Beijing, China |
Kuttimalai | Silvan | SLAC |
Landim | Ricardo | SLAC |
Lee | Jun Seok | University of California, Davis |
LI | Ke | SLAC |
Li | Shirley | SLAC |
Lin | Ying-Ting | University of Washington |
Madjeski | Grzegorz | SLAC |
Marciano | Bill | Brookhaven |
McIver | Jess | Caltech |
Mori | Masahiro | Harvard |
Mukhopadhyay | Payel | SLAC/Stanford University |
Nelson | Ann | U of Washington |
nielsen | christian | Aarhus University |
Olive | Keith | U of Minnesota |
Partridge | Richard | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Pelicci | Luca | Università degli studi di Milano (Particle and Astroparticle department) |
Pellecchia | Antonello | University of Bari |
Peskin | Michael | SLAC |
Petrillo | Giacomo | Università di Pisa/SNS |
Rizzo | Thomas | SLAC |
Robertson | Sally | LBNL |
Rogers | Leslie | University of Texas in Arlington |
Romero-Lopez | Fernando | University of Valencia |
Rosenquist | Trenton | California State University, East Bay |
Rueter | Dylan | Stanford University |
Safdari | Murtaza | SLAC/ Stanford University |
Schwartzman | Ariel | SLAC |
Segura | Enrique | SLAC |
Shutt | Tom | SLAC |
Slatyer | Tracy | MIT |
Soldner-Rembold | Stefan | Manchester University |
Solt | Matthew | Stanford |
Staelens | Michael | Universita of Alberta |
Sterman | George | Stony Brook University |
Stocker | Francesca | University of Bern / CERN |
Stocks | Dane | Stanford University |
Stottler | Zachary | Virginia Tech |
Su | Dong | SLAC |
Su | Guanhao | California State University, East Bay |
Sweigart | David | Cornell University |
Swift | Stewart | SUNY Albany |
Tanaka | Hirohisa | Slac |
Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed | Ahmed | LPNHE - Paris (CNRS) |
Taylor | Devin | UC Davis |
Tedeschi | Tommaso | Università degli Studi di Perugia |
Terao | Kazuhiro | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Testa | Michael | UCSC |
Tompkins | Lauren | Stanford |
Tsai | Yun-Tse | SLAC |
Usher | Tracy | SLAC |
Vernieri | Caterina | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Wang | Bin | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Wang | LianTao | U of Chicago |
Wang | Xiongfei | IHEP |
Wang | Xiongfei | IHEP |
Weinberg | Steven | U of Texas |
Wilson | Fergus | UKRI STFC |
Wojcik | George | SLAC |
Yoon | Jongmin | SLAC / Stanford |
young | charles | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Yu | Shiqi | ANL/IIT |
Yu | To Chin | SLAC |
Zahreddine | Jad | LPNHE - Paris |
Zazueta | Luis | College of William & Mary |
Zheng | He | University of Oregon |
Zhou | Bei | CCAPP, The Ohio State University |
Zupan | Jure | U of Cincinnati |