
CW23 Agenda (PDF)

Objectives of Workshop

The objectives of the workshop are as follows.

  • Introduce the basic simulation capabilities for different modules of ACE3P and their applications to realistic problems. ACE3P modules include
    • Omega3P, frequency domain eigensolver
    • S3P, frequency domain S-parameter
    • Track3P, tracking code for multipacting and dark current
    • T3P, time domain for transients and wakefield
    • Pic3P, time domain PIC for rf gun modeling
    • TEM3P, integrated EM, thermal and mechanical solvers
    • Gun3P, static PIC for dc gun modeling
  • Demonstrate the simulation workflow from preprocessing, running ACE3P on NERSC’s new supercomputer, Perlmutter, and postprocessing through hands-on tutorials.
  • Introduce integrated EM and beam dynamics simulation using ACE3P and IMPACT.
  • Provide one-to-one assistance to users for solving their simulation problems.

Tentatively, the initial part of the workshop will be dedicated to the first three items, and the one-to-one assistance will be left for the remaining two days of the week.

workshop agenda in table format as picture