7th High-Power Laser Workshop - 2019
September 26-27, 2019
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
The 7th HPL Workshop will be held co-jointly with the general LCLS Users Meeting to discuss recent progress in the field of high-energy density physics enabled by the Matter in Extreme Conditions instrument at LCLS. During the first day of the workshop the attendees are encouraged to take part in the general LCLS Users Meeting and further have technical sessions related to LCLS-II and the MEC instrument. The second day of the workshop is dedicated to presentations of recent experimental results from MEC users during Run 17 and a poster session to encourage discussion and exchange of future ideas in our field. The goal is to discuss the scientific opportunities at the MEC instrument, propose future standard configurations, and provide time to discuss important physics proposals and experimental needs for cutting-edge high-energy density physics at LCLS.
The workshop will provide opportunities for presentations by students and postdocs. Limited travel funds are available.
Sponsor exhibits will be on display throughout the duration of the workshop.
- Cindy Bolme, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Gilliss Dyer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Siegfried Glenzer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Redwood Rooms | |||
12:00 | Registration | ||
13:00 | MEC Tour | (badge required for tour) | |
14:00 | Gilliss Dyer | Welcome | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
14:05 | Alan Fry | Laser Upgrade at MEC | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
14:35 | Siegfried Glenzer | HED Applications of bright x-ray lasers | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
15:15 | Coffee Break | ||
LCLS Capabilities | |||
15:30 | Christine Sweeney | Computational Automation Workshop Outbrief | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
15:45 | Andy Aquila | Opportunities at the Tender X-Ray Instrument | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
16:00 | Arthur Campello | Modeling Crossing XFEL Beam Radiation | Cornell University |
Hard X-Ray HED Experiments | |||
16:15 | Nicholas Hartley | HED Experiments at SACLA | Helmhotlz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
17:00 | Participation in LCLS Users' Meeting (registration required) |
9:00 | Welcome and Introduction | ||
9:00 | Chi-Chang Kao | SLAC Welcome | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
9:10 | Cindy Bolme | Welcome | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
9:15 | Gilliss Dyer | Matter in Extreme Conditions: Status and Outlook | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
10:15 | Workshop Photo, Coffee Break and Vendor Exhibitions | ||
10:45 | User Discussion | ||
1. Taking full advantage of LCLS-II | |||
2. Diagnostic and detectors | |||
3. Standard configurations and laser capabilities | |||
4. Upgraded facility concept discussion | |||
12:15 | Lunch and Vendor Exhibitions | ||
13:15 | Ulf Zastrau | First experiments at the HED instrument at European XFEL | European XFEL |
14:00 | MEC Experiments | ||
14:00 | Hiroshi Sawada | Femtosecond time-resolved measurements of short-pulse laser isochoric heating | University of Nevada, Reno |
14:20 | Thomas Kluge | Probing of Complex Ultra-Intense Laser-Plasma Interaction and Ionization with RCXD | Helmoltz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf |
14:40 | Richard Briggs | Probing Liquid-Liquid Phase Transitions under Dynamic Compression | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
15:00 | Coffee Break and Vendor Exhibitions | ||
15:40 | Markus Schoelmerich | Structure of SiO2 melts at ultrahigh pressures | European XFEL |
16:00 | Thomas Preston | Measurement of plasmon damping and conductivity in warm dense matter at pressures exceeding 1 Mbar | European XFEL |
16:20 | Oliver Humphries | Imaging electronic structure and valence electron rebinding in dense plasmas via resonant inelastic x-ray scattering | University of Oxford |
16:40 | Philip Hart | New and Developing Detectors for HED Science at MEC | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
17:00 | Posters and Reception |
Author(s) | Poster Title |
Allen, Cameron | Collective X-ray Thomson Scattering Measurements from Beryllium Capsule Implosions at the National Ignition Facility |
Bruulsema, Colin | Thomson Scattering measurements of heat transport in Be ablation plasma |
Chen, Zhijiang | Probing the DC Electrical Conductivity of Warm Dense Gold by Continuous Multi-cycle THz Radiation |
Chou, Jason | Simulation study of a hybrid (laser-RF) compact proton accelerator |
Crissman, Christopher | Converging Nozzles: Repleneshing targets with diverse material potential |
Davis, Ryan | Non-Adiabatic Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Warm Dense Matter |
Descamps, Adrien | A direct temperature measurement of resistively heated diamond using inelastic X-ray scattering |
Gaus, Lennart | Resonant small angle x-ray scattering probing ultrashot pulse high-intensity laser-solid interactions |
Grace, Elizabeth | Wavelength-Multiplexed Holography for Single-Shot Spatiotemporal Simulations of NIF's Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) Laser |
Haid, Alex | GA Developments in 2 Photon Polymerization for Target Fabrication Applications |
Hartley, Nicholas | Ultrafast Disordering in X-Ray Driven Graphite |
Kemp, Andreas | Generating keV ion distributions for nuclear reactions at near solid-density using intense short-pulse lasers |
Kobs, Dustin | Overview of Laser Machining Capabilities at General Atomics |
Kuschel, Stephan | Controlling the self-injection threshold to separate injector and accelerator in LWFA |
Li, Boya | Shock Compression of Covalently Bonded Planetary Materials |
Ludwig, Joshua | Shock formation in a flowing plasma interacting with crossed laser beams |
Mallon, Michael | Low temperature phonon dynamics to improve erosion modeling using the example of sputtering of titanium by Xe ions |
Mo, Mianzhen | Ultrafast-electron-diffraction experiments reveal the elastic-plastic strain transition in dynamically compressed AI |
Nakamura, Kei | The BELLA Laser Facility for Collaborative Research |
Obst-Huebl, Lieselotte | Laser driven nanosecond proton source for radiobiological studies |
Ofori-Okai, Benjamin | Investigating the conductivity and structure of isochoric warm dense aluminum with THz spectroscopy and ultrafast electron diffraction |
Oliver, Matthew | Experimental observation of Ion acoustic waves in warm dense methane |
Peterson, John Ryan | Ion effect on magnetic field amplification and gamma-ray emission by relativistic streaming instabilities |
Preston, Thomas | The HED instrument at the European XFEL |
Righi, Gaia | Probing the Strength of Iron at Ultra-High Pressures and Strain Rates |
Roedel, Melanie | Investigation of nanodiamond formation in shocked plastics by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering |
Schoerner, Maximilian | DFT-MD Calculation of the Dynamic Structure Factor in Warm Dense Copper |
Stevenson, Michael | Diffraction Studies of Phase Transitions and Strength in Vanadium |
Weber, Sebastian | Electron-phonon coupling on fs-timescales in laser-excited metals |
Wollenweber, Lennart | High-resolution Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the HED science instrument at European XFEL |
Zhang, Ruoheng | Refractive Index Modification of Silicon by Femtosecond Laser Pulses |
Ziefuss, Anna | Fragmentation of collidal gold nanoparticles with high-intensity laser pulses |