Photon Science

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7th High-Power Laser Workshop - 2019

Will be held co-jointly with the general LCLS Users Meeting to discuss recent progress in the field of high-energy density physics enabled by the Matter in Extreme Conditions instrument at LCLS.

artist rendering of molecule structure
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ACE3P CW18 Accelerator Code Workshop

ACE3P (Advanced Computational Electromagnetics 3D Parallel) is a comprehensive set of conformal, higher-order, parallel finite-element electromagnetic codes with multi-physics capabilities in integrated electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical simulation.

Technical illustration of simulated dark current in an LCLS-II cryomodule

The goal of the virtual Workshop is to exchange ideas to determine impactful, new scientific avenues using the LCLS-II, and to foster new collaborations in chemical sciences. The first day of the workshop will start with a Panel answering questions...

artist rendering of chemical interactions

As the LCLS-II-HE (HE) upgrade project is nearing its CD-2/3 approval, the preliminary designs of experimental stations are being developed with the help of the user community.

artist rendering of particles traveling down an accelerator

With SLAC as an independent school in the Stanford academic system, the extensive research programs in the two faculties at SLAC also offer formal supervision for Stanford student theses.  SLAC Particle Physics and Astrophysics Faculty SLAC Photon Science Faculty...

group photo of graduate students

SLAC Graduate School Open House. This is part of the two day program on March/13-14 for prospective graduate students admitted to Stanford for Fall 2018. The morning programs are at Stanford campus with research introduction and student dialogue. For the...

collage of images of the accelerator

FACET-II Science Workshop 2019.   FACET-II is a new user facility that will provide unique capabilities to develop advanced acceleration and coherent radiation techniques with high-energy electron and positron beams. FACET-II provides a major upgrade over current FACET capabilities and...

aerial photo of the linear accelerator

FACET-II Workshop 2017.   FACET-II is a new user facility that will provide unique capabilities to develop advanced acceleration and coherent radiation techniques with high-energy electron and positron beams. FACET-II provides a major upgrade over current FACET capabilities and the...

aerial photo of the linear accelerator

The objective of this workshop is to refine the scientific drivers for the DXS instrument, particularly high-impact science areas that can exploit the high-resolution IXS capabilities and the cross over between IXS and XPCS techniques.

two researchers reviewing scientific poster