Scientific Opportunities for the Dynamic X-ray Scattering (DXS) Instrument at LCLS-II-HE

artist rendering of particles traveling down an accelerator


June 8, 2022 




  • Identify the most compelling (transformative) science drivers for the DXS instrument - particularly areas that can exploit the unprecedented average spectral flux (photons/s/meV). What will be the impact if the proposed research is successful? Consider both:
    • Ideas consistent with Day-1 DXS and LCLS-II-HE capabilities
    • Longer-term ideas with high potential science impact that might exploit advanced performance, e.g. higher photon energies, higher ave. spectral flux from seeding etc.​​
  • Outline the proposed experimental method(s) and key instrument requirements, particularly highlighting the requirements for the DXS instrument and LCLS-II-HE capabilities. This should clarify:
    • Why LCLS-II-HE and DXS are essential for this science
    • What are the essential incident X-ray parameters (focus, BW, tunability, polarization etc.)?
    • What are the sample environment requirements (pressure, temperature, applied fields etc.)?
    • What are the conventional laser requirements (wavelength, pulse energy etc.)?
    • What are the essential spectrometer and detector requirements?
  • Consider the cross-over between IXS (energy-domain) and XPCS (time-domain) approaches
    • Are IXS or XPCS methods clearly preferred for particular science opportunities (and why), and what opportunities might fall in areas that might be accessible with either method? 

The objective of this workshop is to refine the scientific drivers for the DXS instrument, particularly high-impact science areas that can exploit the high-resolution IXS capabilities and the cross over between IXS and XPCS techniques. IXS has traditionally been a synchrotron-based technique since the average spectral flux of the existing FEL sources had been inadequate for these low-count experiments. Therefore, there is limited overlap between the ultrafast sciences and IXS communities. One of the awaited outcomes of this workshop is to bring these two communities together and deliberate potential avenues to explore. Additionally, we expect to discuss and improve the instrument parameters answering to the desires of the community, including pump and probe beam characteristics, and sample environment capabilities.



DXS Instrument Advisory Panel

  • Yong Cai, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Anders Madsen, European XFEL
  • Michael Krish, ESRF
  • Harald Sinn, European XFEL 

IXS Task Force

  • Giacomo Coslovich
  • Georgi Dakovski
  • David Fritz
  • Paul Fuoss
  • Jerome Hastings
  • Wei-Sheng Lee
  • Robert Schoenlein
  • Mariano Trigo


Video recording of conference

DXS Instrument Overview (PPT)

Related Links:

LCLS-II-HE Overview

Publication: LCLS-II-HE High Energy (LCLS-II-HE): A Transformative X-ray Laser for Science