Prospective Graduate Student Open House 2018


Graduate Student Open House 2018


March 13-14, 2018


SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


This is part of the two day program on March/13-14 for prospective graduate students admitted to Stanford for Fall 2018. The morning programs are at Stanford campus with research introduction and student dialogue. For the afternoons, both Stanford campus and SLAC have open office and open lab programs for both days. Tuesday March/13 has Stanford campus emphsis, while Wednesday March/14 program has SLAC emphasis.

With SLAC as an independent school in the Stanford academic system, the extensive research programs in the two faculties at SLAC also offer formal supervision for Stanford student theses. 

To help seeding the investigation of the various research opportunities, the suite of search orientation talks on the SLAC programs for the current 1st year graduate students when they started in Sep/2016 can be found in the link below:

You can also find more information visting the web pages of the various SLAC research groups

2018 Open House Program



Particle Physics Theory
Building: ROB (48)Room: 205Open office (Natalia Toro): 3:00-5:00pm.
Heavy Photon Search Experiment
Building: Central Lab Annex (84)Room: B228Open office (John Jaros): 2:00pm - 5:00pm 
Neutrinoless double beta decay (EXO)
Building: Central Lab Annex (84)Room: B204Open office (Peter Rowson): 2:00-4:00pm.
Accelerator-based Neutrino (MicroBooNE/DUNE))
Building: Central lab Annex (84)Room: B198Open office (Hirohisa Tanaka): 3:00-5:00pm
Building: Central Lab Annex (84)Room: B171Open office (Mark Convery): 2:00-4:00pm.


1:15--1:20 pmGather at Physics and Astrophysics Building (PAB) lobby  
1:20--1:30 pmWalk to the bus at end section of Via Ortega
1:30--1:45 pmBus to SLAC and drop off of people not attending tours at SLAC SUSB
 Tour B (Accelerator and Photon Science)Tour A (Accelerator and Particle-Astro-Cosmology)Open Office / Open Lab
(See below)
1:50--2:20 pmLinac + FACETLSST / LZ  
2:25--2:55 pmLCLS Experimental Halls FEH/XRT Test accelerators (NLCTA)   
3:00--3:30 pmSSRLLinac + FACET  
3:35--5:00 pmOpen office and open lab 
5:00 pmBus A departs from SLAC SUSB (see map below) back to Stanford campus
5:00 pmBus B departs from SLAC SUSB back to Stanford campus
Particle Physics Theory
Building: ROB (48)Venue: Madrone Conference roomMeet the SLAC Theorists: 3:45-4:15pm
Building: ROB (48)Venue: various officesOpen offices: 4:15-5:00pm.
Accelerator Physics     (Graduate Student Brochure)
Building: RSB (52)Venue: 52 first floorOpen offices: 3:30-5:00pm
Photon Science
Building: 40Venue: courtyardPosters and refreshments: 3:30-5:00pm
Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at KIPAC
Building: Kavli (51)Room: variousOpen offices and Viz Lab vist: 3:30-5:00pm. 
Building: Kavli (51)Room: 223Open office (Dan Akerib): 2:30 - 3:30pm
Particle Physics Experiments
Building: Central Lab Annex (84)Room: B259Group meeting of ATLAS,  Heavy Photon Search (HPS) at 
JLab, EXO, MicroBooNE/DUNELUX/LZCDMS 3:35-5:00pm  
Building: Central Lab Annex (84)Room: B228Open office (John Jaros): 2:00pm - 5:00pm