Physics Opportunities at a Lepton Collider in the Fully Nonperturbative QED Regime

August 7th-9th, 2019
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Gerald Dunne
- Sebastian Meuren
- Michael Peskin
- Vitaly Yakimenko
Participant List
Baumann | Christoph | Institut fu ̈r Theoretische Physik, Dusseldorf |
Blandford | Roger | Stanford University |
Chen | Pisin | National Taiwan University |
Del Sorbo | Dario | SLAC |
DeSilva | Luis | Instituto Superior Tecnico |
Di Piazza | Antonino | MPIK Heidelberg |
Dixon | Lance | SLAC/Stanford University |
Dunne | Gerald | University of Connecticut |
Ellis | Sebastian | SLAC/Stanford University |
Fedotov (remote) | Alexander | MEPhI |
Fiuza | Frederico | SLAC |
Guo | Zhaoheng | Stanford University |
Hast | Carsten | SLAC |
Huang | Zhirong | SLAC/Stanford University |
Ilderton | Anton | University of Plymouth |
Karbstein | Felix | Helmholtz Institute Jena |
Kasper | Valentin | Harvard University |
Meszaros | Peter | Penn State University |
Meuren | Sebastian | Princeton University |
Mironov | Arseny | MEPhI |
Nagaitsev | Sergei | FNAL |
Pellegrini | Claudio | SLAC |
Peskin | Michael | SLAC/Stanford University |
Reis | David | SLAC/Stanford University |
Shovkovy | Igor | Arizona State University |
Tamburini | Matteo | MPIK Heidelberg |
Thomas | Alexander | University of Michigan |
Torgrimsson | Greger | Helmholtz Institute Jena |
Tuchin | Kirill | Iowa State University |
White | Glen | SLAC |
Yakimenko | Vitaly | SLAC |
Start Time | Title | Presenter | Affiliation |
08:00 am | Potentially relevant techniques from QCD /Lattice | Lance Dixon | SLAC/Stanford University |
08:45 am | Real-time evolution of lattice gauge theories in the classical-statistical regime | Valentin Kasper | Harvard University |
09:30 am | Strong field effects in heavy ions collisions (critical magnetic field) | Kirill Tuchin | Iowa State University |
10:15 am | Coffee | ||
10:30 am | Connection of strong field and fully nonperturbative QED physics to astrophysics and cosmology | Peter Meszaros | Penn State University |
11:15 am | Non-Perturbative QED to go Beyond the Standard Model | Sebastian Ellis | SLAC/Stanford University |
Session on Experimental Tests | |||
12:00 pm | Plans for strong field QED experiments around the world with high intensity laser | Alexander Thomas | University of Michigan |
12:45 pm | Lunch | ||
01:45 pm | Plans for strong field QED experiments at FACET-II | David Reis | SLAC/Stanford University |
02:30 pm | Strong-field QED physics enabled by FELs | Claudio Pellegrini | SLAC |
03:15 pm | Coffee | ||
Session on Simulations | |||
03:30 pm | History and theory of beam-beam interactions in linear colliders | Pisin Chen | National Taiwan University |
04:15 pm | QED implementation and simulations with PIC codes | Luis O. Silva | Instituto Superior Tecnico |
05:00 pm | Strong-field QED simulations beyond the local constant field approximation | Matteo Tamburini | MPIK Heidelberg |
05:45 pm | Approaching highly supercritical fields with colliding high-current particle beams or high-power lasers | Christopher Baumann |
Start Time | Title |
08:30 am | Panel discussion - "questions towards theory and plasma physics": Which are the open questions about e+e- plasmas, SFQED calculations, especially related to non-perturbative effects, how well are simulations connect to the calculations, next questions to be answered? Panel members: Gereld Dunne, Anton Ilderton, Sebastian Meuren, Luis O. Silva |
10:00 am | Coffee |
10:15 am | Panel discussion - "questions towards high-energy physics applications": What do we need to know to propose a gamma-gamma collider for a Higgs factory, how do we justify the strong-field physics that makes that possible, to what extend will scheduled experiments test that this physics is correct, is there a gap and what further experiments are needed to bridge it? Panel members: Claudio Pellegrini, Michael Peskin, Alexander Thomas, Vitaly Yakimenko |