Non-Linear Multidimensional Methodologies for Studying Chemical Sciences

December 9-10, 2020
Organizing Committee:
This workshop is jointly organized by the Stanford PULSE Institute and LCLS
Co-Chairs: Nora Berrah (UConn) and David Reis (PULSE)
Local Organizing Committee: James Cryan, Amy Cordones-Hahn, and Bob Schoenlein
The LCLS will resume User operations in fall 2020, and in the near future LCLS-II will scale to MHz repetition rates. The continuous energy tunability, multi-color capabilities, and orders-of-magnitude peak fluence increase, compared to other sources of soft X-rays, will enable a variety of new, differential, multi-dimensional investigations. This workshop will focus on innovative opportunities this new source will create in chemical sciences.
The goal of the virtual Workshop is to exchange ideas to determine impactful, new scientific avenues using the LCLS-II, and to foster new collaborations in chemical sciences. The first day of the workshop will start with a Panel answering questions regarding LCLS-II capabilities, present and future instrumentation and the status of the LCLS attosecond capability. The workshop website will include, ahead of the meeting, three recorded technical presentations by Agostino Marinelli, Peter Walter (LCLS) and James Cryan (PULSE/LCLS) to assist participants to prepare for the meeting.
The rest of the workshop will center on short presentations as well as discussions in virtual break-out sessions charged with identifying challenges and opportunities for multi-dimensional X-ray methods in chemical sciences, and proposing development paths. The breakout sessions will cover ultrafast light-matter interactions in both the liquid and gas-phase systems.
Participants are encouraged to contribute during the breakout sessions and to come prepared to present the science challenges that motivate future research, the limitations of current approaches and how ultrafast x-ray or electron sources paired with new methodologies, might make a high scientific impact. We will provide a 2-slide template in the workshop website for registered participants to upload them in the workshop website ahead of the meeting to facilitate the meeting. We will also make available a template for providing input that can be incorporated into the Workshop Report, which will be shared with the LCLS management as well as the DoE, Office of Science, Chemical Sciences Geosciences, and Biosciences Division of Basic Energy Sciences.
Charge & Output:
- Facilitate the exchange of ideas and foster collaborations that link sharp science questions with relevant nonlinear X-ray methods, leading to proposed new experiments or programs at LCLS
- Identify most compelling (near-term) chemical science opportunities exploiting nonlinear X-ray methods
- Focus on answering important questions, or significantly advancing an area of science, beyond demonstration experiments
- What can be done with existing and planned LCLS instruments and capabilities with LCLS-II?
- What are future compelling science areas, beyond present capabilities, exploiting nonlinear X-ray methods?
- Outline a roadmap to get there
- What are the gaps and approaches to bridge them? e.g.:
- Feasibility assessment, notional experimental approach/design
- First-step experiments
- Instrument/method development etc.
- We will write a Workshop Report outlining priority research opportunities you would have highlighted during the meeting. Please provide half a page to one page regarding your contribution. Use word font 11, times new roman and include figures if possible.
- The Report audience are: BES program managers, LCLS/SLAC Director, Stanford Dean.
Supporting Materials:
LCLS-II Capabilities Presentations
- Capabilities of Ultrafast Pump/Probe Experiments (PDF), ( video ) - Agostino Marinelli
- TMO @ LCLS-II Overview, Capabilities & Plans for TMO (PDF) - Peter Walter
- RIX @ LCLS-II Overview and Capabilities (PDF)- Georgi Dakovski and Kristjan Kunnus
- TXI @ LCLS-II Overview and Capabilities (PDF), ( video ) - Andy Aquila
- Attosecond Science with XFELs (PDF) - James Cryan