SSI | SLAC Summer Institute 2020

SSI | SLAC Summer Institute 2020
August 10-21, 2020
The 2020 SLAC Summer Institute will focus on the physics of neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy and gravitational waves - referred to collectively as the “almost invisibles”. Their study is experimentally challenging because of their feeble interactions. They are also not well understood theoretically: the Standard Model of particle physics provides an inadequate picture of the neutrino and has no provision for dark matter nor dark energy. The SSI program will focus on the phenomenology of these nearly invisibles, as well as their connections with one another and to physics beyond the Standard Model.
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The SLAC Summer Institute (SSI) is an annual two-week-long Summer School tradition since 1973. Given the special circumstances and uncertainties with COVID-19 this year, we are now planning for a reduced program of just three online lectures each morning through the two weeks, without the usual afternoon programs in regular editions, except an online poster gallery to facilitate exchange among participants their own research. We still require interested participants to register online (no registration fee) in order to receive updated online instructions. SSI is especially targeted for graduate students and postdocs while senior researchers are also welcome.
Program Summary:

The large increase of pile-up interactions is one of the main experimental challenger for HL-LHC physics program. Covering the pseudo-rapidity region between 2.4 and 4.0, the Hight Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) is therefore propose for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade. Using the ability to distinguish between events by high-precision timing informations, HGTD is powerful to mitigate the effect of pile-up. One key element for this mitigation is to know the t0 of each individual channel (about 3.6 millions channels), which is important to achieve the time resolution of about 10 ps. In this presentation, the time calibration methodology and estimate its performances using dedicated simulations will be presented.
Measurements made recently by the STAR collaboration show that the Lambda hyperons produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions are subject to global spin polarization with respect to an axis coincident with the axis of rotation of the produced matter. Recently formulated formalism of relativistic hydrodynamics with spin, which is a generalization of the standard hydrodynamics, is a natural tool for describing the evolution of such systems. This approach is based on the conservation laws and the form of the energy-momentum tensor and spin tensor postulated by de Groot, van Leeuwen, and van Weert (GLW). Using Bjorken symmetry we show how this formalism may be used to determine observables describing the polarization of particles measured in the experiment.
Poster Relativistic fluid dynamics with spin degrees of freedom(PDF)
Ali EL Moussaouy, Hassan 2 University of Casablanca
Search for Higgs boson pair production via vector-boson fusion (VBF), optimized for cases where one of the Higgs bosons decays via the h → bb channel and the other via the h → WW/ZZ/ττ channels. The analysis uses the full LHC 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. This analysis is the first time that this channel is being searched for in ATLAS. The cross-section for non-resonant Higgs pair-production is expected to be less than 1.726 fb. Work is still in progress, and I want to summarise in this poster my current studies.
Poster not available ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kshitij Pandey, The ICFAI University, Jaipur
Deep space missions to Mars need spacecraft shields to protect sophisticated instruments and humans from contrary impacts caused by the space radiation environment, predominantly Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR), Solar Particle Events (SPE), and trapped radiation. The poster presents a comprehensive analysis of the radiation hazards to humans in the space due to these radiations. Several ways to shield the spaceship from these radiations are introduced, and the most effective method of shielding is chosen based on the various parameters. Each shielding method is selected after thoroughly studying the other candidates to make a safe journey to Mars. Space radiation can cause acute radiation syndromes; therefore, it is essential to not only prepare for the physical shielding but also to prepare for the optimal shielding in terms of medical countermeasure. Various parameters have been taken into consideration in order to find best medical countermeasures such as ground-based in vitro pre-flight screening of the candidates, use of Vitamin C to reduce the exposure effect and to cover the essential parts of the body for least radiation exposure
Spacecraft Shielding Design and Dynamics for Journey to Mars (PDF)
Yuliia Balkova, University of Silesia in Katowice
Modern cosmic radiation detectors, which are placed in the Earth's orbit (such as AMS, PAMELA, DAMPE and others) allow to measure fluxes of leptons, antiprotons and atomic nuclei with accuracy of one percent in the energy range from GeV to TeV. Such accurate measurements let us to study the propagation of cosmic rays in the Galaxy and give hope to discover the effects of annihilation of dark matter.
Cosmic radiation can be classified into primary and secondary. Primordial cosmic rays are supernova remnants, while secondary cosmic rays arise in the nuclear interactions of primary cosmic rays with protons and helium in the interstellar medium. The ratio of the secondary cosmic radiation to the primary one is used to model cosmic ray diffusion in the Galaxy. The results of radiation propagation modeling make it possible to differentiate the background originating, for example, from the production of secondary antiprotons in nuclear collisions, from processes of interest, such as the production of antiprotons in the annihilation of dark matter. However, the modeling of radiation propagation strongly depends on the knowledge of the fragmentation cross-sections of the primary cosmic rays.
This work presents results on continuation of the analysis of $^{12}$C + $^{12}$C and $^{12}$C + (C$_2$H$_4$)$_n$ data taken by the NA61/SHINE collaboration. The result of the simulation analysis helps to understand the distributions obtained from the data analysis. In the same time, the comparison between simulations and data helps to find a way for treating the distributions in further data analysis. Two independent approaches are presented for the continuation of the data analysis, and their performance is verified with fragmentation elemental cross-section calculation and its comparison with world data.
Alvina Burgazli, Alvina Burgazli
We consider a universe filled with perfect fluid with the constant equation of state parameter ω. In the theory of scalar perturbations, we study the effect of peculiar velocities on the gravitational potential. For radiation with ω=1/3, we obtain the expression for the gravitational potential in the integral form. Numerical calculation clearly demonstrates the modulation of the gravitational potential by acoustic oscillations due to the presence of peculiar velocities. We also show that peculiar velocities affect the gravitational potential in the case of the frustrated network of cosmic strings with ω=−1/3.
Lina Julieth Castiblanco Tolosa, Pontificia Universidad católica de Valparaíso
The large scale structure bispectrum couples large scales (where general relativity is relevant) and short scales (where non-linearities are important) such that it contains information about the dynamics of the early universe in the squeezed limit. We start by performing a calculation which is non-linear and is based in General relativity under the weak field approximation with the purpose to solve the dynamics for dark matter fluid. The solutions for dark matter perturbations are used to compute relativistic corrections to correlation functions. Specifically, we compute the three-point matter correlation function (matter bispectrum) at one loop, we find its relativistic corrections to be as large as the Newtonian result in the squeeze limit. In this limit we also find the relativistic correction bispectrum to be degenerated with a primordial non-Gaussianity signal. We also compute matter power spectrum which has a small relativistic correction. Our next step is to connect dark matter perturbation with the number density of galaxies through a bias expansion. To begin with we write the Lagrangian bias expansion in terms of operators built on the curvature of early time hypersurface of comoving observer. We take this as initial condition and evolve it to obtain the Eulerian bias description in the general relativistic framework which is also renormalized properly. These are the first steps towards to determine the gauge invariant galaxy bispectrum.
Poster: Towards the one-loop galaxy bispectrum in the weak field approximation (PDF)
Rohit Gupta, PhD student
Study of transverse momentum spectra is crucial in understanding the matter produced during heavy-ion collision. Transverse momentum spectra (pt) in heavy ion collision consist of two distinct regions:Low-pt region corresponds to particles produced in soft process whereas high pt region is dominated by particles from hard QCD processes.
Due to the asymptotic freedom in QCD, it is difficult to get a perturbative formalism to study pt spectra in low-pt region hence we rely of different phenomenological approach to study the spectra. On the other end, we have a well established perturbative QCD based power-law form of distribution function for high-pt regime of the spectra.
We will discuss a generalization of non-extensive statistics to include both soft as well as hard processes. We will present the detail formalism along with the fit results for different pt spectra along with a comparison to other established distribution functions. We will also discuss the relation between fit parameter obtained from pt spectra with the elliptic flow coefficient.
Poster: A unified approach to study hard as well soft part of transverse momentum spectra (PDF)
Christine Ye, UW Bothell
Timing observations of pulsars’ radio pulses have revealed two main types of rotation anomalies: timing noise, or random variations in pulse times, and glitches, discontinuous steps in spin frequency where the pulsar's rotation speeds up rapidly. In this project, I present conclusions from a survey of glitch substructure and statistics and an investigation into potential future areas of substructure, including analysis on distinctions between glitching and non-glitching pulsars as well as clusters of glitches. Project methodology uses unsupervised learning algorithms such as clustering and dimensionality reduction, as well as supervised classification and regression.
Amol Patwardhan, UC Berkeley
We discuss the implications in a core-collapse supernova environment of a light dark matter particle that sees the standard model exclusively through its interaction with neutrinos. We consider the case of a light dark matter candidate which couples to neutrinos through a heavy mediator, and examine parameter regimes of interest from the point of view of supernova cooling, neutrino decoupling, and proto-neutron star heat transport.
Poster: The dark matter neutrino portal and implications for stellar collapse (PDF)
Yong Du, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
We investigate a simplified freeze-in dark-matter model in which the dark matter only interacts with the standard-model neutrinos via a light scalar. The extremely small coupling for the freeze-in mechanism is naturally realized in several neutrino-portal scenarios with the secret neutrino interactions. We study possible evolution history of the hidden sector: the dark sector could undergo pure freeze-in production if the interactions between dark-sector particles are negligible, while thermal equilibrium within the dark sector could occur if reannihilation rate of the dark matter and the scalar mediator is rapid enough. We investigate the relic abundance in the freeze-in and dark freeze-out regimes, calculate evolution of the dark temperature, and study its phenomenological aspects on BBN and CMB constraints, the indirect-detection signature, as well as the potential to solve the small scale structure problem.
Freezing-in Dark Matter from Secret Neutrino Interactions (PDF)
George Iskander, University of Chicago (incoming graduate student), Yale (class of 2020)
We propose that thermalization due to entanglement entropy between distinct regions of the nucleon in a nucleus can explain the origin of the exponential component of the momentum distribution in weak interactions. We demonstrate this by studying anti-neutrino-nucleus scattering on hydrocarbon at Fermilab using data from the MINERvA collaboration. We find that for charged-current muon anti-neutrino scattering on the hydrocarbon CH (which produces a neutral pion) at 3.6 GeV, the pion momentum distribution includes a thermal component that is described by an exponential function, as predicted by our proposition. For charged-current coherent anti-neutrino scattering on carbon at 3 GeV, this thermal component disappears, as also expected in our study. These results support the hypothesis that when entanglement entropy in the nucleon wave function exists in the collision, a thermal component to the momentum distribution results, described by an exponential fit to the data. This phenomena, already observed in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider, is now shown to exist in this weak interaction as well.
Poster:Quantum Entanglement and Thermal Behavior in Charged-Current Weak Interactions (PDF)
Sajal Gupta, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research kolkata
In the last few years, there has been a resurgence of interest in obtaining observational bounds on the graviton mass, following the detection of gravitational waves, because of the versatility of massive graviton theories in resolving multiple problems in cosmology and fundamental physics.
In our works,” Limit on graviton mass using stacked galaxy cluster catalogs from SPT-SZ, Planck-SZ and SDSS-redMaPPer” and “Bound on the graviton mass from Chandra X-ray cluster sample”, we have presented new strong bounds on graviton mass. In the former study, we derived the gravitation acceleration in Yukawa-like fall off potential and extracted galaxy clusters parameters from three disparate surveys, which include catalogs from 2500 sq. degree SPT-SZ survey, the Planck all-sky SZ catalog, and a redMaPPer selected catalog from 10,000 sq. degree of SDSS-DR8 data. Finally, from a Chi-Square analysis, we obtained 90% c.l. limits, which were mg < 4.73×10^−30 eV, 3.0×10^−30 eV, and 1.27 × 10^−30 eV for SPT, Planck and SDSS. These limits are about five times more stringent than the previous best bound from galaxy clusters. In the latter work, we used temperature and gas density profiles of 12 relaxed galaxy clusters, which we obtained from Chandra X-ray observations. For determining graviton mass limits, we first calculated the total dynamical mass from the hydrostatic equilibrium equation in Yukawa gravity and then compared it with the corresponding mass in Newtonian gravity. We calculated a 90 % c.l upper limit of mg < 3.46 × 10^−29 eV on the graviton Compton wavelength/ mass for each of the 12 clusters in the sample.
Federica Piazza, University of Milan & INFN
A search for dark matter is performed in single photon final states in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, using data collected during 2015-2018 by the ATLAS experiment at LHC (CERN), corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb^-1. No deviations from the Standard Model predictions are observed, and 95% confidence level upper limits between 2.5 fb and 0.6 fb are set on the visible cross section of physics beyond the Standard Model, in different ranges of missing transverse momentum. The results are interpreted as 95% confidence level limits in models where weakly interacting dark-matter candidates are pair-produced via an s-channel axial-vector or vector mediator. Dark matter candidates are excluded for masses up to 360 (520) GeV for axial-vector (vector) mediators, while the maximum excluded value for masses of the mediators is 1305 (1310) GeV. In addition, the results are expressed in terms of 95% confidence level limits on the parameters of a model with an axion-like particle produced in association with a photon.
Martin Alfonso Subieta Vasquez, Universidad Mayor de San Andres (UMSA)
The main objective behind the MATHUSLA (MAssive Timing Hodoscope for Ultra-Stable neutraL pArticles) proposal is to build a large area hodoscope detector at ground level, close to the interaction point of the CMS detector, to look for the decay signals of neutral long lived particles (LLP) at the next HL-LHC runs in an environment with low background. LLPs are expected in the context of Beyond Standard Models, which try to solve open problems in fundamental particle physics. The idea behind MATHUSLA is to monitor a large volume of air (100 m x 100 m x 25 m) with a series of layers of tracking detectors to look for displayed vertices produced by the LLPs. The updated MATHUSLA design considers extruded scintillators for the tracking detectors. However, it has been also considered to add an extra layer of RPCs to enhance the extensive air shower detection capabilities of MATHUSLA to carry out cosmic ray studies in the 100 TeV - 100 PeV regime. In this talk, a brief introduction to MATHUSLA will be presented, with an emphasis on its sensitivity to cosmic ray detection. A comparison of its performance with that of other present and future cosmic ray facilities working in the same energy range as MATHUSLA will also be shown.
Emma Torró (on behalf of the Mathusla Collaboration), IFIC Valencia (CSIC - UV)
MATHUSLA is a proposed detector that will be placed above the CMS experiment to study long-lived particles (LLP) produced by the HL-LHC. It is instrumented with a tracking system to observe LLP decays inside its empty volume, and it is composed of a modular array of detectors covering together (100 × 100) m2 × 25 m high. MATHUSLA, with a large detection area and good granularity tracking system, is also an efficient cosmic-ray telescope to study EAS.
To study the main expected sources of background in the MATHUSLA detector, a test stand was built on the surface above the ATLAS detector, taking data during 2018.
In this poster we will describe the main detector concept, layout and current status as well as the test stand results. These provided measurements of the flux of cosmic rays in the surface above ATLAS and the rate of muons from the LHC interactions reaching the surface.
Poster: Exploring the lifetime frontier with the proposed MATHUSLA detector (PDF)
ASISH JYOTI BORUAH, Gauhati University, Assam,India
Neutrino Astronomy has emerged to reveal the sources of the highest energy particles in our universe, the so-called ultra-high energy cosmic rays. IceCube observatory has developed a powerful real time follow-up program that targets the detection of transient sources. In collaboration with other observatories, it aims to identify the electromagnetic counterpart of a rapidly fading source or coincident gravitational waves. Single event alerts are distributed publicly as GCN alerts, while multiple alerts are distributed through individual agreements with optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray observatories. Searches for bursts of low-energy neutrinos from nearby supernovas are performed, and above threshold detection is announced rapidly within the SNEWS network. The angular distribution of events is consistent with an isotropic arrival direction of neutrinos which is expected for galactic and extragalactic origin. Through this collaboration estimate the prospects of detecting individual neutrino sources from a quasi-diffuse superposition of many extragalactic sources at the level of the IceCube observation.
Poster not available ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yago P Porto Silva, PhD - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
We formulate neutrino oscillations using the theory of weak measurements (not the same as "weak interaction") with pre- and post-selection. It is well-known that the weak nature of neutrino detection allows the measurement of energy without collapse of the flavor wavefunction. Indeed, in this formalism, we can construct the flavor wavefunction in terms of the "weak value". Using the equation of motion of the flavor wavefunction we calculate the flavor oscillation probability.
Poster not available ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jared Barron, University of Toronto
MATHUSLA is a proposed large-volume displaced vertex (DV) detector, situated on the surface above CMS and designed to search for long-lived particles (LLPs) produced at the HL-LHC. We show that a discovery of LLPs at MATHUSLA would not only prove the existence of BSM physics, it would also uncover the theoretical origin of the LLPs, despite the fact that MATHUSLA gathers no energy or momentum information on the LLP decay products. Our analysis is simple and robust, making it easily generalizable to include more complex LLP scenarios, and our methods are applicable to LLP decays discovered in ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, or other external detectors. In the event of an LLP detection, MATHUSLA can act as a Level-1 trigger for the main detector, guaranteeing that the LLP production event is read out at CMS. We perform an LLP simplified model analysis to show that combining information from the MATHUSLA and CMS detectors would allow the LLP production mode topology to be determined with as few as $\sim 100$ observed LLP decays. Underlying theory parameters, like the LLP and parent particle masses, can also be measured with $\lesssim 10\%$ precision. Together with information on the LLP decay mode from the geometric properties of the observed DV, it is clear that MATHUSLA and CMS together will be able to characterize any newly discovered physics in great detail.
Alankit Dey, Delhi University
An aim to send humans to Mars and protecting them from extreme radiations in Van Allen belt and the solar activity. This can be possible if the trajectory avoids the most active parts of belt at the same when the activity of the Sun’s cycle is minimum. Also, the Galactic cosmic radiations from outside the solar system from every direction also take part in causing harm to humans and the electronics in spacecrafts. For the radiation dosage absorbed to be least, the flight time and path between Earth and Mars should be minimum. Also, either the shield should be thick enough or made up of efficient materials, keeping in
mind the cost and the extra mass that would be required to send along with habitat vessel.
The material chosen should be such that it does not generate secondary radiations or nuclear reactions and should prevent x rays too. Coming in contact with high energy charged particles can also increase the temperature of vessel to high extent hence the material should also be heat resistant.
Anna M. Suliga, Niels Bohr Institute
We develop a radial- and time-dependent calculation of the $\nu_e - \nu_s$ mixing inside the supernovae core by taking into account matter enhanced resonances, reconversions, and collisional production of the sterile neutrinos. The dynamical feedback, generated by the sterile neutrino production on the chemical potentials of leptons and baryons as well as the thermodynamic properties of the core, has major consequences for the supernovae physics for large mixing angles ($\sin 2 2\theta > 10^{-10}$). We find that the self-consistent treatment of the electron-sterile neutrino mixing in the supernova core lifts the bounds on the sterile neutrino mass and mixing in the parameter space ($m_s , \sin 2 2\theta$) relevant for the dark matter searches.
Poster: Lifting the core collapse supernova bounds on keV mass sterile neutrinos (PDF)
Last Name | First Name | Affiliation |
Sobia anam atif ahmed | SRTMU Nanded | |
A.Ali | Mohammed | Cairo University |
Aalbers | Jelle | Stanford University, Stockholm University |
Abbas | Muhammad Haider | SCPD student |
Abbott | Mark Samuel | UC Davis |
Abdellah | Tnourji | CNRS |
Abdelmagid | Rahma | University of Sharjah |
abderrazaq | el abassi | Ibn-Tofail University Faculty of Sciences (MA) |
Abdi | Sundus | Physics |
Abdul Hameed | Shahnaz | Delhi University |
Abdullah | Abbas | applied physics |
Abdullah | Jawza | Physics |
Abdulredah | Noor | Student at college |
Abhishek | Pratayay | STUDENT |
Abli | Anand S Hegde | National Tsing Hua University |
Aboulhorma | Asmaa | Universite Mohammed V (MA) |
Abrol | Pratishtha | International institute of information technology |
Acharya | Pramod | USD Vermillion |
Achguer | Mohamed | HASSAN II University - Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock |
Adams | Duncan | Stony Brook |
Adhlakha | Jivesh | Ahmedabad University |
Adiraju | Sreyas | North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics |
Afek | Gadi | Yale University |
Agarwal | Garvita | The State University of New York SUNY (US) |
Agarwal | Naman | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat |
Agarwal | Shiva | Graduate Student |
Aggarwal | Priya | University of Delhi |
Aggarwal | Yash | University of California Riverside |
Ahmadi | Nahid | University of Tehran |
ahmadi | zahra | PhD student, Department of Physics, University of Tehran |
Ahmed | Abdullah Ahmed Ali | Physics Department, Thamar University, Yemen |
Ahmed | Ali | Mansoura University |
Ahmed | Hussah | Student |
Ahmed | Jhanzeb | University of Warwick |
Ahmed | Lama | ... |
Ahmed | Zeeshan | SLAC |
Ahmed Borboruah | Zafri | IIT Bombay |
Ahuja | Akanksha | CERN |
Akhtar | Samim | IIT MADRAS |
Akram | Sk Ashif | IIT Bombay |
Al Ali | Hind | UC Santa Barbara |
Al Amiri | Mouza | UAEU |
Al Hamada | Ahmed | Jubail Industrial College |
Al Lawati | HASSAN | personal |
Al Naqbi | Moza | University of Sharjah |
Al Shareef | Al Yaman | Istanbul Technical University |
al-zayat | rasmieh | sharjah university |
alaamery | Saleh | Teacher |
Aladwani | Fatima | Edıcayion |
Alalwi | Asmaa | Taibah University |
Alammari | Saleh | Math |
Albahrani | Ali | ithra |
Alcorn | Leo | York University Physics and Astronomy |
Aldufeery | Elham | Majmaah University |
Alexander | Abigail | UCL |
Alfaro-Molina | Ruben | IF-UNAM |
Alfonso Pita | Ernesto | Institute of Physics, UNAM |
Alfridy | Raneem | Taibah University in Medina |
Alghamdi | Abdulwahab | Kfupm phys student |
Alharbi | Nail | Mr |
ALHARBI | OHOUD | King Abdullah University of Science and technology |
ALHARBI | ZAINAB | King abdul aziz University |
Alhazmi | Fatimah | Taibah university |
Alheji | Kholoud | 966503040202 |
Ali | Mariam | Cairo University |
Ali | MD Isha | IACS,Kolkata |
Ali | Rowan | Saudi |
Alkamly | Mohamed | Faculty of science special physics department of Sohag University |
Allison | Kyle | University of Colorado Boulder (US) |
Almarzooq | Abdulaziz | Qassim University |
almarzougi | Shahad | Ksu |
Almatrafi | Nouf | Physics |
Almumin | Yahya | UCI Grad |
Almutiery | Meznah | Sauida |
Almuttairi | Masar | Eotvos Lorand University |
Alnafisah | Ali | King Saud University |
Alnamlah | Ruba | saudi |
Alnasrallah | Eissa | Kuwait University |
Alnemer | Alaa | - |
Alnuqaydan | Abdulhakim | University of Kentucky |
Alosimi | Futon | Riyadh |
Alotaibi | Alaa | A |
Alpízar Venegas | Mario Andrés | Institute of Physics UNAM |
Alrahamneh | Marah | International Center of theoretical physics (ICTP) |
Alsaawi | Norah | King saud university |
ALSAIDI | WARDA | Sultan Qaboos University |
Alsayafi | Fatimah | King Abdulaziz University Physics Student |
Alshammri | Khalid | KSA |
Alshamrani | Monira | Student at jazan university |
Alshareef | Balqees | Student at KAU |
Alshmrani | Bilsan | KACST |
Alsofyani | Rola | Phy |
Althaaly | noorah | Student |
Altmannshofer | Wolfgang | UC Santa Cruz |
Altorra | Ayman | Qassim University |
Alvarez | Rodrigo | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Alves | Sergio | IFIC (UV-CSIC) |
Alves de Oliveira | Renan | PPGCosmo/Flatiron Institute |
Alyahya | Dima | Highschool |
ALZAABI | Anas | I don’t have one |
Alzamel | Amal | Student |
Alzate | Willard | National Institute of Physics - University of the Philippines Diliman |
Ambrósio | Cleiton | UNICAMP - University of Campinas |
Ames | Andrew | Stanford University |
AmirArjomand | Reza | Orange County Astronomers |
Amon | Alexandra | Stanford |
Andaloro | Sophia | Rice University |
Andriamirado | Manoa | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Angeles | Janna May | National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines - Diliman |
Angeles Camacho | José Roberto | Institute of Physics UNAM |
Anisha | Anisha | University of Delhi |
Ankowski | Artur | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University |
Antoine | Andre | University of Michigan |
Antonini | Ana | UFRGS |
Appelbaum | Max | BIU |
Arakawa | Jason | UC Irvine |
Aramaki | Tsuguo | SLAC |
Aramburo Pasapera | Juan Antonio | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Aranda | Alfredo | Universidad de Colima |
Arcila Maldonado | Juan Pablo | Universidad Nacional |
Arellano | Luciano | Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria |
Argyropoulos | Spyridon | University of Freiburg |
Arnquist | Isaac | PNNL |
Arora | Mireya | Stanford University |
Artero | Manuel David | IFAE |
Arya | Richa | Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad |
Arya | Yash | University of Delhi |
Ashry | Mustafa | Zewail City and Cairo University |
Asiri | Sarah | IAU |
Attia Mahmoud | Mohammed | Center for High Energy Physics, Fayoum University, Egypt (EG) |
Aushev | Volodymyr | Kyiv National University, Ukraine |
Awad | Laila | Kuwait |
Awe | Connor | Duke University |
Axani | Spencer | MIT |
Ayala Torres | Marco Alberto | Cinvestav |
Azadbakht | Elham | Texas A&M University |
Babbar | Neha | Savitribai Phule Pune University |
Bachhar | Ritesh | Student |
Badea | Anthony | Harvard University |
Badhrees | Ibtesam | Associate professor |
Bae | Wonseok | University of Texas at Austin |
Bagchi | Debojjal | Indian Institute of Science |
Bageja | Lakshita | Sri venkateswara college |
Bahar | Nour | Uob |
Bahkali | Majed | Student |
Bailey | Philip | Stanford |
Baiocchi | Melissa | SNOLAB |
Baker | Robert | Wildwood School |
Baker | Sam | Argonne National Laboratory |
Balasara | Jaydip | Saurastra university |
Balasubramanian | Rahul | Nikhef |
Balkova | Yuliia | University of Silesia in Katowice |
Ballabene | Eric | University and INFN, Milan (IT) |
Bally | Andreas | MPIK |
Balmforth | Zoe | Royal Holloway, University of London |
Bandyopadhyay | Hirak | University at Buffalo, SUNY |
Banerjee | Upalaparna | Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur |
Bang | Jihyeun | Brown University |
Banzal | Neilabh | IIT Bombay |
Bao | Yunjia | Brown University |
Barcenas | Gabriela | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Bardhan | Jai | International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad |
Baretz | Jason | UC Irvine |
Barranco | Juan | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Barron | Jared | University of Toronto |
Barthwal | Dibyanshu | MSc |
Bartoldus | Rainer | SLAC |
Basak | Tanushree | Indus University |
Bashyal | Amit | Oregon State University |
Bashyal | Angel | Tribhuwan University |
Basque | Vincent | University of Manchester |
Bass | Steven | Jagiellonian University |
Basso Manzato | Bruno | University of São Paulo |
Basu | Vedant | Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center |
Batsevych | Oleg | Taras Shevchenko national university of Kiev |
Battat | James | Wellesley College |
Bazammul | Abdulaziz | King Abdulaziz University |
Beahrs | John | Oregon Health & Science University |
Becerra-Garcia | Eduardo | cinvestav |
Beck | Dominic | Stanford University |
BEHERA | MITESH KUMAR | university of Hyderabad |
Beirnaert | Freija | Ghent University |
Bel Moussa | Benyounes | Mohammed V University (MA) |
Beltrán | Valeria | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
belwal | Kuldeep | Student |
BENALI | Mohamed | ESMaR |
Benelmalih | Sarra | Student in university |
Berest | Vladyslav | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
Beringer | Juerg | LBNL |
Berjon De La Parra | Javier | Student |
Berner | Roman | Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern |
Berryman | Jeffrey | University of Kentucky and University of California, Berkeley |
Betancur Rodríguez | Amalia | Universidad EIA |
Betre | Kassahun | San Jose State University |
Bevan | Adrian | Queen Mary University of London |
Bez Baruah | Suomi | La Sapienza University of Rome |
Bhagirath | Sharma Saurabh | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology |
Bhandare | Mayank | University Of Pune |
Bhardwaj | Shaurya | ARSD College, University of Delhi |
BHARTI | SUMAN | IIT BOMBAY, Powai, Mumbai-400076 |
BHASIN | VAIBHAV | MSIT(Maharaja Surajmal institute of Technology) |
Bhatia | Disha | Indian association for the cultivation of science |
Bhattacharyya | Rik | Texas A&M University |
Bhattacharyya | Soumya | Tata Institute Of Fundamental research |
Bhetaria | Margi | St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Ahmedabad |
Bian | Fuyan | ESO |
Bicknell | Brian | n/a - Stanford alum |
Bikit-Schroeder | Kristina | University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics |
Bin | Wang | NCTU |
BinShuqayr | Shahad | Saudi Arabia |
Birrer | Simon | Stanford University |
Black | Don V | American Insititute for Research in Science and Technology |
Blackstone | Patrick | Indiana University |
Bloom | Elliott | KIPAC-SLAC, Stanford University - Emeritus |
Bloxham | Laurence | Lockheed Martin |
Bodas | Arushi | University of Maryland College Park |
Bogorad | Zachary | Stanford University |
Bohare | Abhishek | K. L. D. A. V. P. G. College Roorkee, Roorkee- 2476 67 (India) |
Bonilla | Cesar | Universidad Católica del Norte |
Book | Julia | Harvard University |
Bora | Kamal | IIT Hyderabad |
Borah | Jyotirmoi | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati |
Boruah | Asish jyoti | Gauhati University |
Borusinski | Michael | Graduate student |
Bostan | Nilay | The University of Iowa & Fermilab |
Bouabid | Ryan | Duke University |
Bouaouda | Khalil | Universite Hassan II, Ain Chock (MA) |
Bozek | Krzysztof | Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE) |
BRAHMA | BARNALI | IIT Hyderabad |
Bravo | Catalina | Universidad |
Bressler | Matthew | Drexel University |
Bright-Thonney | Sam | Cornell University |
Brink | Paul | SLAC |
Britt | Dylan | Stanford University |
Brodsky | Stanley | SLAC |
Brook-Ray | Alon | tel-aviv university |
Brunetti | Maria Brigida | University of Warwick |
Bryngemark | Lene Kristian | Stanford University |
Buch | Deveshi | Stanford University |
Buchman | Sasha | Stanford University |
BUDDHACHARYA | ROJITA | Tribhuvan University |
Buhayeuskaya | Maryia | INP BSU |
Burgazli | Alvina | Odesa National University |
Burke | David | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Burnett Aguilar | Alan | University Of Guanajuato |
Burns | Anne-Katherine | UC Irvine |
Burud | Dipali | Faculty |
BYRNES | NICHOLAS | University of Texas Arlington |
Bórquez | Sebastián | Universidad de Chile |
Cairo | Valentina | SLAC |
Calafiura | Paolo | LBNL |
Calderon | Cristhian | Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería |
Calderon | Dennis | Ohio State University |
Calles Hansen | Juan | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso |
Camilleri | Joseph | Virginia Tech |
campbell | bruce | carleton university |
Campbell-Deem | Brian | University of California, San Diego |
Campell | Marc | SLAC |
Campos | Ivan | CRC Raptors |
Campos Oliden | Francisco | University of Guadalajara |
Cantarim | Luana | University of São Paulo |
Cao | Gevy | Ecole Polytechnique/LOA |
Capdevilla | Rodolfo | Perimeter Institute and University of Toronto |
Cardona | Wilmar | Universidad del Valle |
Carenza | Pierluca | INFN Bari & University of Bari |
Carosi | Gianpaolo | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) |
Carramiñana | Alberto | INAOE |
Carrasco Huillca | Jose Luis | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Cartaro | Concetta | SLAC |
Carter | Ben | Long Beach State |
Carvunis | Alexandre | Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Théorique (LAPTh) |
Castiblanco Tolosa | Lina Julieth | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso |
Castillo | Andres | Universidad Sergio Arboleda |
Caustin | Earl | Self |
Ceppas de Castro | Rebecca | University of Toronto |
Cervantes Vera | Carlos Andrés | Universidad de Guanajauto |
Ceschia | Matteo | UCL |
Chabour Barra | Francisca | University of Chile |
Chabra | Om | University of Arizona |
Chakraborty | Snigdho | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata |
Chandgothia | Shreyas | IIT Bombay |
Chandrakar | Rohan | Center for Basic Sciences |
Chang | Chia-Feng | University of California at Riverside |
Chang | Po-Wen | The Ohio State University |
Chanowitz | Michael | LBL |
Chappell | Andy | University of Warwick |
Chatterjee | Arnab | Stanford |
CHATTERJEE | Meghranjana | University of Bern, LHEP |
Chatterjee | Priyanka | Indus University |
Chau | Nhan | APC laboratory |
Chaudhuri | Mouli | National institute of science education and research |
Chauhan | Garv | Washington University in St. Louis |
Chaurasiya | Brijesh | IIT Delhi |
Chawla | Manisha | National Institute of Technology Rourkela |
Chen | Jingting | UC Irvine |
Chen | Kai-Feng | National Taiwan University |
Chen | Yifan | University of Bern |
Chen | Yuan-Chang | National Tsing Hua University |
Chen | Zixin | Yale University |
Chen | Zuyi | Steward Observatory, University of Arizona |
Cheong | Sanha | Stanford University |
Cherukuri | Swetha | UCSB |
Cheslow | Mel | Retired |
Chetheekkaranpurackal Joseph | Ouseph | National Tsing Hua University |
Cho | Wonsub | SungKyunKwan University |
Choi | Minseok | Kyungpook National University |
Choi | Won Geon | Bugil High School |
Cholakian | Egon | Harvard University / NIH |
Chothani | Akash | Sir. P.T. Science college, surat |
Chott | Nicholas | SD School of Mine and Tech. |
Chowdhury | Talal Ahmed | University of Dhaka |
Christian | Stavan | IITH |
Chu | Yingjie | TU Dresden |
Chung | Yi | UC Davis |
Chung | Yi-Lun | NTHU |
Chung | Yoonjae | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Church | Eric | PNNL |
Cimental Chávez | Andrea Paloma | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Cinabro | David | Wayne State University |
Cisneros | Rodrigo | CRC Raptors |
Clark | John | Volusia County Schools, DSPIRA@WVU |
Clark | Michael | Purdue University |
Clark | Morgan | UNC Chapel Hiill |
Coloma Borja | Diego Alberto | Universidad San Francisco de Quito |
Condrey | Steve | Metropolitan Community College |
Connor | Zachariah | Oregon State University |
Contreras | Taylor | Harvard University |
Convery | Mark | SLAC |
Cooley | Jodi | Southern Methodist University |
Copello | Emanuele | Technical University of Munich |
Cox | Gavin | Pennsylvania State University |
Cremonesi | Linda | Queen Mary University of London |
Creque-Sarbinowski | Cyril | Johns Hopkins University |
Cristinziani | Markus | University of Bonn (DE) |
Crnogorcevic | Milena | University of Maryland, College Park / NASA GSFC |
Cruz Venegas | Noel Alberto | University of Alberta |
Cyncynates | David | Stanford University |
Czurylo | Marta | Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg |
Cáceres | Percy | Puc-Rio de Janeiro |
D'Anzi | Brunella | University of Bari Aldo Moro |
Dabokemp | Ami | San Francisco State University |
Daddi Hammou | Aoumeur | University of Padova |
Dalmasson | Jacopo | Stanford University |
Dam | Quang Nam | APC - Université de Paris |
DAMOR | AJAY | Student at Gujarat University , india |
Danielson | Daine | The University of Chicago |
Darragh-Ford | Elise | Stanford |
Das | Anirban | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Das | Arnav | Hiranandani Foundation School |
Das | Kasinath | IACS, KOLKATA |
Das | Samarpan | Calcutta University |
Dash | Shantanu | University of Delhi |
DAVE | AAYUSHI | St. Xavier's college, Ahmedabad |
Davies | Joe | Queen Mary University of London |
Dcruz | Ritu | Oklahoma State University |
De | Ayush | Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi |
de Gouvea | Andre | Northwestern University |
de la Bella | Lucia F | University of Manchester |
De Pree | Erin | St. Mary's College of Maryland |
de Souza Böger | João Paulo | Instituto de Física Teórica - UNESP |
De Vuyst | Julian | Ghent University |
Dedin Neto | Pedro | Unicamp |
Deisting | Alexander | Royal Holloway, Universtiy of London |
DEKA | JITUL | IIT Delhi |
delepine | david | universidad de guanajuato |
Delgado | Aliwen | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile |
Delgado | Maritza | Universidad Antonio Nariño |
Delogu | Claudia Caterina | University & INFN, Padova |
Denisov | Vladislav | IHEP |
DeRocco | William | Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Deshpande | Kaustubh | University of Maryland, College Park |
Devi | Vitthal | Students |
DeVoe | Ralph | Stanford University |
Dey | Alankit | Delhi University |
Dey | Jayanta | IIT Bhilai |
Dharma D | Monika | BNM Institute of Technology |
Dhir | Paras | Undergraduate Student |
DHORDA | HARSHIL | Kadi university |
Diamantopoulou | Magda | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR) |
Diamond | adrian | Stanford |
Digel | Seth | KIPAC/SLAC |
Dine | Michael | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Ding | Pengfei | Fermilab |
Diolaiti | Valentina | Bologna University |
Divecha | Deesha | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali |
Djurcic | Zelimir | Argonne National Laboratory |
Dodelson | Scott | Carnegie Mellon University |
Domine | Laura | Stanford University |
Dong | Cosmos | University of Kansas |
Dong | Kunming | university of South Dakota |
dos Santos | Marcos Vinicius | Unicamp |
Dounis | Nikolaos | GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research |
Du | Mingxuan | Physics department of Nanjing University |
Du | Yong | University of Massachusetts-Amherst |
Dunne | Katherine | Stockholm University |
Dunwoody | Rachel | University College Dublin |
Durgut | Mehmet | Uludag University |
Dutta | Juhi | University of Hamburg |
DUTTA | MANORANJAN | Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad |
Dutta | Saunak | Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad |
Dwivedi | Omesh Dhar | Drexel University |
Dwivedi | Siddharth | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
Dynneson | Andrew | SJSU |
Eagan | Cassandra | University of Colorado, Colorado Springs |
Ebadi | Reza | University of Maryland, College Park |
Eberly | Brandon | University of Southern Maine |
ED-DIMNY | oumaima | Nuclear and Particle Physics |
Efimova | Anna | MSU |
Ekhterachian | Majid | University of Maryland College Park |
El Faham | Hesham | Université catholique de Louvain |
El Jarrari | Hassnae | Universite Mohammed V (MA) |
El messoumi | Aiche | UAEU |
EL Moussaouy | Ali | Universite Hassan II, Ain Chock (MA) |
El-Shahat | Tarek | Al-Azhar University |
Elashry | Mohamed | Mansoura university |
Elsayed | Muhammad | Tanta University |
Elsayed Shokr | Eslam | Mansoura University |
Emerman | Alexander | Columbia University |
English | Samuel | UCSC |
Epari | Shalini | IISER Kolkata |
Eraqi | Rawan | King Abdulaziz University |
Eriksen | Sam | University of Bristol |
Erjavec | Tyler | University of California Davis |
Estaitia | Ayat | Islam |
Evans | Addy | Texas A&M |
Ezeribe | Anthony | University of Sheffield |
EZZARQTOUNI | Sanae | Universite Hassan II, Ain Chock |
Fadel | Reem Mohammed | Physics |
Faisal | Renad | University student |
Fang | Ke | Stanford University |
Fang | Rundong | Nanjing University |
Fantini | Lisa | Sapienza, Università di Roma |
Farooq | Muhammad | Centre for High Energy Physics, University of the Punjab, Pakistan |
Fassi | Farida | Mohammed V University in Rabat |
Fearon | Niamh | University of Oxford |
Felkl | Tobias | University of New South Wales |
Fellers | Deion | University of Oregon |
Feng | Jonathan | University of California, Irvine |
Fernando | Ishira | Stanford Physics |
Ferrazzi | Bruno | University of Regina |
Ferreira Dias | Marco André | Federal University of São Paulo |
Feyz | Niloufar | university of Tehran |
Fieg | Max | UCI |
Field | Clive | SLAC |
Fitzpatrick | Rory | University of Michigan |
Fiza | Nishat | IISER Mohali |
Flaherty | Justin | The Ohio State University |
Flanigan | Jeffrey | University of California Santa Cruz |
Flores | Anthony | Stanford University |
Flores Meraz | Sonia | Student ESFM-IPN |
Fortman | Anne | Harvard University |
Fragomeno | Federica | La Sapienza, Università di Roma |
Frankiewicz | Katarzyna | Boston University |
França | Luis Eduardo | University of São Paulo |
Fredrich | Ana | the Open University |
Fu | Bowen | University of Southampton |
Furman | Krzysztof | Queen Mary University of London |
G. Garcia | Fernanda | SLAC |
GADGE | KARUN | Indian institute of technology Mandi |
Gahan | Devidutta | Department of Physics, Tezpur University, Assam. |
Gala | Rushabh | North Carolina State University |
Galanis | Marios | Stanford University |
Galantzan | Sean | Tel Aviv University |
Galehouse | Daniel | U. of Akron |
Gallice | Niccolo | Università degli Studi di Milano e INFN Milano (IT) |
Galvan | Luis | Cinvestav IPN |
Gamboa Castillo | Aldo Javier | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
GANJIR | VENIKA | Center for Basic Sciences, Raipur, Chhattisgarh |
Gao | Fan | University of Pittsburgh |
Garcia de la Vega | Leon M. | Instituto de Fisica, UNAM |
García | Jose | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
García Viltres | Alejandro Santiago | Institute of Physics UNAM |
garg | malay | delhi technological university |
Garg | Parth | Stanford Student |
Garg | Rocky | Stanford University |
Gau | Ephraim | Washington University in St. Louis |
Gaur | Vipin | Virginia Tech |
Gelles | Zachary | Harvard University |
Gemmell | Caleb | University of Toronto |
Germond | Richard | TRIUMF |
Ghazwani | Noorah | King faisal university |
Ghosh | Sankha Subhra | North Bengal University |
Ghosh | Sumita | Yale University |
Ghosh | Tathagata | Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics |
GHOSH | UDAY | The University of Burdwan |
Ghoshal | Anish | INFN Tor Vergata & LNF - INFN |
Giacalone | Giuliano | Université Paris-Saclay |
Giannini | Giulia | IFAE |
Gill | Mandeep | stanford university |
Giri | Anjan | IIT Hyderabad |
Gladney | Larry | Yale University |
Glanzman | Tom | SLAC |
Glaser | Hannah | Virginia Tech |
Glennon | Noah | University of NH |
Glover | Molly | SLAC |
Godfrey | Gary | SLAC retired |
Goicoechea Casanueva | Victor | University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Gond | Manish Kumar | IIT Hyderabad |
Gong | Zhengyangguang | University Observatory Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich |
González | Katherine | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparíso |
González A | Francisco Javier | Universidad de Xalapa |
González Reina | Osmany Ignacio | Institute of Physics, UNAM |
Gooding | Diana | Boston University |
Goossen | Elijah | Dordt University |
Goswami | Abhinava | Cotton University |
Gousy-Leblanc | Vincent | University of Victoria |
Graf | Lukas | Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Grandón | Daniela | Universidad de Chile |
Grover | Tyler | University of Iowa |
Gruen | Daniel | Stanford University |
Gryba | Shayne | University of Toronto |
Gu | Wenqiang | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Guenette | Roxanne | Harvard University |
Guerra | Nicolás | Universidad de Chile |
Guha Roy | Debanjan | None |
Guida | Alessandro | DESY (Hamburg) |
Guo | Zhiyuan | Duke University |
Gupta | Krishnkumar | University of Mumbai |
Gupta | Kunal | Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi |
Gupta | Nitin | PhD Student |
Gupta | Nitya | Delhi University |
Gupta | Rohit | IISER Mohali |
Gupta | Sagar | IIT Bombay |
Gupta | Sajal | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research kolkata |
Gupta | Suhani | Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
Gururajan | Gautham | IIT Hyderabad |
Gussmann | Alexander | Stanford University |
Gustavson | David | SLAC Retiree |
Gutiérrez | Jorge Luis | Cinvestav |
Guven | Ali Kaan | Sapienza Università di Roma |
Guzel | Oguz | ITU |
Guzman | Eric | Southern Methodist University |
Guzman suir | Jorge | UAEM (universidad autónoma del estado de México) |
Habash | Raneem | Prince Mugrin Bin Abdulaziz University |
Habich | Kate | Wellesley College Student |
Hadidi | Mohamed | Stanford |
Haefner | Jonathan | Harvard University |
Halal | George | Stanford University |
Halawani | Ahmed | King Abdulaziz University |
Halder | Anik | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Halim | Antony | Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute |
Hamdaoui | Hassane | Mohammed V University |
Hamed Hemida Mohammed | Hemida | Faculty of Science, Fayoum University |
hamer | nick | ucsc |
Han | Sophia | UC Berkeley |
Hanif | Hamza | University of Cantabria |
Hansen | Erin | UC Berkeley |
Hansl-Kozanecki | Traudl | UC Santa Cruz & IRFU/CEA/Saclay |
Harshkumar | Mehta | St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad |
Hartman | Nicole | Slac |
HARVEY | PAUL | University of Texas |
Haselschwardt | Scott | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Hasiba | Nawal | Student |
Hassan | Fatimah | - |
HATZIKOUTELIS | ATHANASIOS | San Jose State University |
Hausner | Harry | University of Wisconsin–Madison |
Hawsa | Zainab | Azimuth |
Hayward | Connor | n/a |
Heath | Matthew | ORNL |
Heile | Frank | Stanford/SLAC Ph.D. 1982 with Martin Perl |
Helfer | Thomas | Johns Hopkins University |
Helis | Dounia | CEA/IRFU/DPhP |
Henao | Mauricio | Universidad EIA |
Henriquez | Camila | Universidad de Chile |
Herde | Hannah | Brandeis/SLAC |
Hermano | Kehn | CRC Raptors |
Hernandez | Ares | Stanford University |
Hernandez Cadena | Sergio | Instituto de Fisica, UNAM |
Hernández | Haydee | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Hewett | JoAnne | SLAC |
Hicyilmaz | Yasar | University of Southampton |
HIDAOUI | Mourad | Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco |
Higuera | Aaron | Rice University |
Hinaaia | Salama Masoud | Squ |
Hinrichs | Claire | Dartmouth College |
Hisham | Eman | Physics department |
Hlozek | Renee | University of Toronto |
Ho | Jason | Dordt University |
Ho | Johnny | Harvard University |
Ho | Ta-Wei | National Tsing Hua University |
Hoffmann | Hans | TU Dresden |
Hogan | Jason | Stanford University |
Holz | Daniel | University of Chicago |
Hood | Greg | Retired |
Hooshangi | Sina | Institute for Research in Fundamental sciences (IPM), Tehran |
Howard | Eric | Macquarie University |
Hsiao | Ko-Yang | NTHU |
Huang | Cheng-Tse | National Taiwan University, Physics department |
HUANG | FEI | ITP CAS and UC Irvine |
Huang | Roger | UC Berkeley |
Huerta | Denise | Fisk-Vanderbilt bridge program |
Hui | Hon-ka | CUHK |
Hui Cheol | Yu | Undergraduate |
Hulcher | Zach | SLAC |
Hulimi | Malak | Arab |
Hur | Grace | N/A |
Hur | Lucy | SJAM |
Hussam | Abdelrhman | Cairo University |
Hwang | InSeung | Korea University |
Hwang | Jimmy | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Hwang | Shinyoung | Undegraduate |
Hwang | Sun Ho | University of California, Berkeley |
Hyun | Sang Chul | Yonsei University |
Ibrahim | Bushra | Imam Muhammad bin Saud University |
Ibrahim | Fahmi | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
Ibrahim Abdulhamid Elsayed | Muhammad | Faculty of Science,Tanta University |
Im | Haedam | University High School |
Imam | Kouser | Aliah University |
Irfan | Mohammad | Aligarh Muslim University |
Irving | Bryen | Stanford University |
Irwin | Kent | Stanford University |
Iskander | George | Yale |
Islam | Jobaidul | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), |
Islam | Tousif | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth |
Itay | Ran | SLAC |
Iwamoto | Sho | ELTE Eötvös Loránd University |
JAIN | JAYESH | NIT Rourkela |
jain | khushi | delhi university |
Jain | Kritika | Msc physics |
Jain | Parul | University of Rajasthan |
Jain | Prakrati | . |
Jain | Rishabh | Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi |
Jain | Rishabh | Oklahoma University |
Jain | Sakshi | University of Delhi |
Jain | Siddharth | Institute of Science , Banaras Hindu University |
Jalmood | Rawan | KAUST |
Jamil | Ako | Yale University |
Jana | Sudip | Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik |
Jang | Hun | New York University |
Jang | Wooyoung | University of Texas at Arlington |
Jaramillo | Carlos | Max Planck Institute for nuclear physics |
Jargowsky | Ben | University of California, Irvine |
Jariwala | Twinkle | Veer Narmad South Gujarat University |
Jaronski | Walter | Radford University |
Jayasingh | Guru Kalyan | IIT Bombay |
Jho | Yongsoo | Yonsei University |
Jiang | Junjie | Stony Brook University |
Jikyun | Han | Korea University |
Jin | William | CUNY |
Jo | Jay Hyun | Yale University |
Jo | Yongseok | Seoul National University |
Jodłowski | Krzysztof | National Centre for Nuclear Research |
Joglekar | Aniket | UC Riverside |
Johnson | Jyothisraj | UC Davis |
Joshi | Kartik | IISER Mohali |
José Ferreira Leite | Leonardo | IFGW - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) |
Jung | Bouke | Nikhef / University of Amsterdam |
Jyoti Das | Suruj | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati |
K | Chinmay | Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru |
K | Gopika | Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India |
Kadlecsik | Ármin | Eötvös Loránd University |
Kaelin | Gregor | SLAC |
Kagan | Michael | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US) |
Kaladharan | Ajay | Oklahoma State University |
Kalia | Saarik | Stanford University |
Kalsi | Anish | Delhi Technological University |
Kamal | Mohd Hafizudin | National University of Malaysia (UKM) |
Kamat | Rajashree | Vellore Institute of Technology |
Kammar | Soumya | Vijayanagar university |
Kamp | Nicholas | MIT |
Kaneshige | Nathaniel | UC-Santa Barbara |
Kansara | Jay | Charotar University of science and technology |
Kapoor | Shrriya | Shiv Nadar University |
Karahan | Canan Nurhan | İstanbul Technical University |
Karandikar | Mandar | University of Bonn |
Karathanasis | Christos | IFAE |
Karathanasis | Georgios | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR) |
KARMAKAR | SHUVADEEP | GLA University, Mathura, India |
Karp | Juliana | Student |
Kasetti | Siva Prasad | Louisiana State University |
Kaufman | Lisa | SLAC |
Kazakos | Stergios | IFAE and UAB (ES) |
Kelly | Heather | SLAC |
Kelsey | Michael | Texas A&M University |
Khalifa | Mariam | UAE |
Khan | Nasaru | University Of Delhi |
Khan | Saki | Haverford College |
Khan Chowdhury | Nafis Rezwan | IFIC, Valencia |
Kheirandish | Ali | Pennsylvania State University |
Khlopov | Maxim | APC/MEPHI/SFEDU |
Khoda | Elham E | University of British Columbia |
Khosravi | Shahram | Kharazmi University |
Khurana | Raman | Florida State University |
Khuzaimah | Fasya | National Central University |
Kim | Geon-Bo | LLNL |
Kim | Hyejin | Gwangju institute of science and technology |
Kim | Jeong Hwa | Korea University |
Kim | Jiwoong | Kyunpook National University |
Kim | Leo | University of Waterloo |
Kim | Seong ha | Chungnam National University Department of Physics |
Kim | Tae | University of Notre Dame |
Kim | Taeyeong | Chungnam National University |
Kim | Youngwan | Seoul National University |
King | Sophie | KCL |
Kirkpatrick | Kay | University of Illinois |
KleinStern | Carly | University of Chicago |
Koca | Mehmet | Cukurova University((retired) |
Kodroff | Daniel | Pennsylvania State University |
Koerich | Luan | University of Regina |
Kolay | Orçun | Istanbul Technical University (TR) |
Kolev | Nikolay | University of Regina |
kolodner | kobi | Tel-Aviv University |
Kolupaeva | Liudmila | JINR |
Kononenko | Olena | Ecole Polytechnique |
Kopec | Abigail | Purdue University |
Koraka | Charis Kleio | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR) |
Kore | Jyoti | PDPIAS, charusat |
Korwar | Mrunal | UW MADISON |
Koseyan | Ohannes Kamer | The University of Iowa, Fermilab |
Kostiuk | Igor | Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL) |
Koudia | Seid | Sapienza Università di Roma |
Kovacevich | Mike | Drexel University |
Kowalski | Rebecca | Johns Hopkins |
Kozynets | Tetiana | Niels Bohr Institute |
Kraetzschmar | Thomas | Max-Planck-Insitute for Physics |
Kregel | Connor | was told by a friend online |
Krishak | Aditi | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal |
Krywonos | Jordan | University of British Columbia |
Krämer | Peter | Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE) |
Kshyvanskyi | Oleksandr | Kyiv National University |
Kuanyu | Chen | National Central University |
Kum | Minju | Seoul National University |
Kumar | Abhass | Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad |
Kumar | Aneet | IIT Bombay |
KUMAR | BHARAT | Govt. Polytechnic Bijapur, Chhattisgarh |
Kumar | Dinesh | University of Rajasthan Jaipur India |
Kumar | Gaurav | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Kumar | Mausam | Galgotias university |
Kumar | Mintu | Ph.D student |
Kumar | Praveen | The University of Sheffield |
Kumar | Sagar | Madhav university |
Kumar Saha | Akash | Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India |
Kumar Sharma | Abhishek | University of Delhi |
Kumara | Amila | SLAC researcher |
Kunkle | Paige | Boston University |
Kurgyis | Balint | Eotvos Lorand University |
Kushwaha | Adesh | IIT Gandhinagar |
Kushwaha | Ashu | Indian institute of technology Bombay |
Kutluk | Emine Seyma | Bogazici University |
Kärkkäinen | Timo | Eötvös Loránd University |
Laal | Nima | Physics Graduate Student of Oregon State University |
Lacroix | Marc | Université de Montréal |
lad | siddhi | bachelor in science |
Laha | Ranjan | CERN |
LAHBABI | FATIMAZAHRA | High Energ Physics |
Lam | Tommy | Virginia Tech |
Lamb | Noah | Drexel University |
Langeveld | Willem | Rapiscan Systems, Inc. |
Langston | Glen | National Science Foundation |
Lantz | Brian | Stanford University |
Larfi | Zina | Freelance |
Larios | Bryan | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras |
Larkin | Jacob | Stony Brook |
Laurin | Mathieu | Université de Montréal |
Lay | Henry | Lancaster |
Layden | Christopher | The University of Texas at Austin |
Lazar | Jeffrey | University of Wisconsin–Madison |
Lebed | Vitalii | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
Lebese | Thabang | WITS University |
Lee | Donghun | Yonsei University |
Lee | Jaeyeong | California State University, Fresno |
Lee | JeongEun | Seoul National University |
Lee | Jiwoo | Stanford summer school |
Lee | Joo Hyun | Seoul National University |
Lee | Ka Kit | CUHK |
Lee | Sang-Jun | SLAC |
Lee | Soohwan | Korea University |
Lee | Yeunho | Undegraduate |
Lee | Yonglin | postgraduate |
Lehmann | Benjamin | UC Santa Cruz |
Leibowitz | Lewis | Sonrisa Systems |
Leon | Esteban | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Leung | Kwing Lam | Purdue University |
Levi | Noam | Tel-Aviv University |
Levinson | Lorne | Weizmann Institute of Science (IL) |
León | Edgar | Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa |
Li | Aobo | Boston University |
Li | Daniel | Brown University |
Li | Haifeng | Shandong University, Qingdao |
Li | Ivy | MIT |
Li | Ivy | Rice University |
Li | Nan | ShanDong University |
Li | Sze Lok | University of New South Wales |
Li | Weixi | - |
Li | Yueh-Shun | student |
Liang | Jinhan | Nanjing University |
Liang | Shixiao | Rice University |
Limongi | Maria Luisa | La Sapienza |
Lin | Qing | Research Associate |
Linehan | Ryan | SLAC |
Ling | Siyang | Rice University |
Litke | Michael | Southern Methodist University |
Liu | Andy | Stanford, SLAC |
Liu | Da | UC, Davis |
Liu | Hongyi | Rice University |
Liu | Hongyin | University of California-Santa Barbara |
Liu | Jasmine | Southern Methodist University |
Liu | Jia | UC Berkeley |
Liu | Qinrui | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Liu | Shilin | Stony Brook University |
Liu | Zhengwen | DESY |
Lloyd | Victoria | Harvey Mudd College |
Loew | Gregory | SLAC |
Loho | Kousik | IIT Gandhinagar |
Lonare | Pratik | Fergusson College, Pune |
Long | Heyang | The Ohio State University |
Lopez Fortin | Carlos | Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares UNAM |
Lozano | Luis | Cinvestav |
Lu | Nan | California Institute of Technology |
Lu | Qianshu | Harvard University |
Lubatti | Henry | University of Washington, Seattle |
Lucente | Giuseppe | University of Bari |
Luis | Miriam Yuridia | IPN |
Luitz | Steffen | SLAC |
Luth | Vera | SLAC - Emerita |
Luu | Vy | Princeton University |
López-Cruz | Omar | INAOE |
m | Karthika | Yes |
Ma | Kevin | National Taiwan University |
Machado | Franz | Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria |
Macias Cardenas | Karen | Universidad Autonoma de Baja California |
Mackey | Scott | UCLA |
MacLeod | Ken | SPST |
Madan | Mohammed | University of Bahrain -soon- |
Madan | Siddharth | P. D. Patel Institute of Applied Sciences |
Madejski | Grzegorz | SLAC |
Madhukuttan | Madhujith | CSNSM, University of Paris saclay |
Magliocca | Chiara | University of Geneva |
Magnani | Jeevesh | University of Mumbai |
Mahajan | Manya | Department of Physics, Miranda House, University of Delhi |
Maharana | Suvam | University of Delhi |
Mahon | Devin | Columbia University |
Mahor | Deepak | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
MAITY | SAGAR KUMAR | S N Bose National Center for Basic Sciences |
Majhi | Rudra | Univerrsity of Hyderabad |
Maleki Sanukesh | Mehdi | University of Iowa |
Mallampalli | Abhishikth | University of Wisconsin Madison (US) |
Mallick | Kaustav | University of Delhi |
Mallik | Usha | The University of IOwa |
Mammen Abraham | Roshan | Oklahoma State University |
Mangan | Joseph | University College Dublin |
Manganelli | Nick | University of California Riverside (US) |
Mankad | Dirgha | Research Student |
Mansuri | Aalisha | Saurashtra university |
Manzoni | Federico | La Sapienza |
marafatto | lorenzo | SIF italian physics society |
Markoff | Diane | North Carolina Central University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab |
Marquez | Carlos | FIU |
Marquez | Francisco | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Marthandan | Aakash | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Martikainen | Laura | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Martinez Soler | Ivan | Fermilab and Northwestern University |
Martynenko | Sergey | PhD student |
Marx | Jay | retired |
Marín | Marcela | Cinvestav |
Maselek | Rafal | University of Warsaw |
Masri | Wajde | Student |
Mastrototaro | Leonardo | Università degli Studi di Salerno - INFN, Sezione di Napoli |
Matar | Nouf | Physics |
Mathur | Varun | Virginia Tech |
Mauri | Beatrice | CEA/IRFU/DPhP |
Maurya | Shubhangi Krishan | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati |
Mayengbam | Kishan | Department of Physics, Manipur University,Imphal,India |
Mazurets | Tatiana | Taras Shevchenko National university of Kyiv, faculty of physics |
McAskill | Tracy | Wellesley College, Tufts University |
McCoy | Barry | Retired, no current affiliation |
McCune | Amara | University of California, Santa Barbara |
McFeely | Rory | TUD |
McGregor | Cecil | Retired |
McMenamin | Joseph | Retired |
Mehta | Aadarsh | CHARUSAT |
Mehta | Bhakti | St Xavier's college |
Mehta | Himani | Department of Physics, DSB campus, Nainital |
Mehta | Mishal | St. Xavier’s College |
Melas | Pantelis | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Melnyk | Ihor | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
Mendes | Melissa | McGill University |
Menendez Vazquez | Alexis | IFAE |
mesmh | mohammed | faculty of science cairo university |
metha | tirth | UW |
Meyer zu Theenhausen | Hanno | University of Hamburg |
Michielin | Emanuele | UBC |
Mieskolainen | Mikael | Imperial College London |
Mildeberger | Marten | Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE) |
Millan | Fernando | Universidad de guanajuato |
MIN-WEI | OU YANG | National Central University |
Mir | Azeem | COMSATS University of IT |
Miranda | Alejandro | Cinvestav |
Mirasola | Tony | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Miro | Santiago | Universidad Iberoamericana |
Mishra | Arvind Kumar | Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad |
Mishra | Dayanand | Physical research laboratory, Ahmedabad |
Mishra | Shashank | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. |
Mitchell | Ian | None |
Mittal | Radha | Amity University Mumbai |
Mitwalli | Mohamed | Mansoura University |
Mizrachi | Eli | University of Maryland at College Park |
Mjallal | Ali | LAPTh, Annecy |
Moder | Paul | DESY Hamburg |
Mohamed | Mohamed | Sohag University |
Mohamed | Moumen | Sohag University Faculty of Science (Special Physics) |
Mohammed | Ahmed | Sohag university |
Mohammed | Amnah | University of Bahrain |
Mohammed | Haifa | SQU |
Mohanta | Rukmani | University of Hyderabad |
Mohanty | Shailaja | College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar |
Moida | Bhavin | PG student |
Moldanazarova | Ulserik | University of Liverpool |
Mondal | Mazharul Islam | Western Illinois University, USA |
Mondal | Santu | CTU in Prague, Czech Republic |
Mondol | Adreja | UC Irvine |
Monette | Valérie | Université de Montréal |
Monzani | Maria Elena | SLAC |
Moon | Chang-Seong | Kyungpook National University |
Moore | Marianne | UBC/TRIUMF |
Mora Lepin | Luis | The University of Manchester |
Morales | Reina | CSU Fresno |
Morales Soto | Jorge Antonio | Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo |
Moreno Granados | Guadalupe | Cinvestav |
Morf | Martin | Stanford |
Morgante | Davide | Sapienza university of Rome |
Moriswala | Zubiya | UG |
Morningstar | Colin | Carnegie Mellon University |
Motka | Jay | University of Arizona |
Moulai | Marjon | MIT |
Mousa | Judi | .. |
Mu | Wei | Fermilab |
Mugatwala | Ronish | Indian Institute of Technology Indore |
MUKHERJEE | NILOTPAL | Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad |
Mukherjee | Soutrik | Amity University |
Mukhopadhyay | Satyanarayan | IACS (Kolkata) |
Muller | Rasa | PhD, Nikhef |
Munoz | Gerardo | California State University, Fresno |
Munoz | Jose Miguel | Universidad EIA |
Murali | Vishnu | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore |
Murphy | Fred | SLAC (ret) |
Márquez | Juan | Cinvestav |
Nabili | Sara | University of Maryland |
Nader | Nourhane | Aerospace Engineering Department - Cairo University |
Nadler | Ethan | Stanford/KIPAC |
Nag | Panchali | Duke University |
Naik | Laxmiprasad | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Nakato | Yuka | Stanford University |
Nam | Gimin | National University of Singapore |
Naruka | Ripudaman | University of delhi |
Nasar | Mahmoud | Benha University |
Nashar | Midhat | King Abdullah University of Science and Technology |
Nasser | Layla | Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud University - Riyadh |
Nath | Ankur | Tezpur University |
Nath | Atanu | IIT Guwahati |
Navarro-Boullosa | Atalia | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Nedlik | Christopher | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Neill | Nicolas | IAI, Univ. de Tarapacá |
Neogi | Sayan | Kalyani Central Model School |
Ng | Y. Jack | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Ngair | Badr-eddine | Mohammed V (MA) |
NGUYEN | Quoc Viet | LPNHE, Paris |
Ni | Kaixuan | UC San Diego |
Nikolov | Jovana | University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences |
Nilima | Athoy | University of Dhaka |
Ninio | Gadi | Tel Aviv University |
Nino | Blanca | Fresno State |
Noman | Mawaheb | physics |
Noorbala | Mahdiyar | University of Tehran |
Norcini | Danielle | University of Chicago |
Novati | Valentina | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) |
Nowak | Jaroslaw | Lancaster University |
Nowak | Kacper | University of Warsaw |
Nozard | Hantz | Université de Montréal |
Nuñez Silva | Sergio Oscar | Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería |
Obaidan | Arwa | Saudi |
ODonnell | Jackson | UCSC |
Offermann | Jan | University of Chicago |
Ohara | Daniel | SLAC |
Oli | Tupendra | University of South Dakota |
Olvera | José Carlos | CINVESTAV |
One | No | NONE |
Osorio-Archila | Mabel | Instituto de Astronomía-UNAM |
Othman | Faiznur | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
Ou | Tong | University of Chicago |
Oueslati | Manjinder | Drexel University |
Ozdal | Ozer | Concordia University |
Ozdes Koca | Nazife | sultan Qaboos university |
P J | JOSEPH | IIT Bombay |
Pacheco | Iván | CINVESTAV |
Padilla-Gay | Ian | Niels Bohr Institute |
Padmanabhan Kovilakam | Vishnu | Oklahoma State University |
Pagani | Luca | UC Davis |
Pajero | Tommaso | Scuola Normale Superiore & INFN, Pisa |
Palacio | Guillermo | Universidad EIA |
Palak | Kumari | Army Institute of Technology |
Palia | Ridhi | Deshbandhu college, University of Delhi |
Palinichak | Anastasiia | . |
Palinichak | Pavlo | TSNUK |
Pandey | Kshitij | The ICFAI University Jaipur |
Pandey | Nilesh | Delhi Technological University |
Pandya | Anilkumar | MSc Student |
Pandya | Jatinkumar | CHARUSAT University |
PANDYA | VATSAL | Marwadi University |
Pang | Hao | Tsinghua University |
Pangan | Gene Ryan | Skyline College |
Pannikuzhiyil Puthen Parampil Oommen | Justin | Sapienza University of Rome |
Panta | Raj Kumar | University of Otago |
Paoloni | Alessandra | Student |
Paolucci | Lorenzo | Sapienza Università di Roma |
Papadopoulou | Afroditi | MIT |
Papageorgiou | Alexandros | University of Minnesota |
Parikh | Kaushalkumar | Student |
Park | Core Francisco | Harvard University |
Park | Haeryong | POSTECH |
Park | Sangeon | Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US) |
Parker | Grant | University of Texas at Arlington |
Parlikar | Swarupa | Pune University |
Parmaksiz | Ilker | University of Texas at Arlington |
Parolia | Shubhi | INFN-Pisa |
Partridge | Richard | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
PARVEEN | NISHAT | University at Albany, SUNY |
Parveen | Sabila | Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU) |
Parvu | Mihaela | University of Bucharest |
Pascoli | Silvia | Durham University |
Pascuzzi | Vincent R. | LBNL |
Pasuwan | Prim | Stockholm University |
Patel | Anurag | Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) |
Patel | Dhruvi Manan | Gujarat University |
Patel | Divya | University of Regina |
PATEL | JIGARKUMAR | Kadi Sarva VishwaVidyalaya |
Patel | Jinay | IIT Bombay |
PATEL | MADHAV | Charusat |
PATEL | MISHILKUMAR | St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad |
PATEL | PRATYUSH | University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Patel | Rameshri | P.D.P.I.A.S., CHARUSAT university |
Patel | Sameer | The University of Iowa |
Pathak | Dhruv | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai |
Pathak | Pradipta Sankar | Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi |
Pathak | Shikha | G.s.p.g. College |
Patil | Prutha | Bard College at Simon's rock |
Patil | Sakshi | Sandip University |
Patil | Shubham | Savitribai Phule Pune University |
Patrone | Samuel | INFN - Roma1 |
Patwardhan | Amol | UC Berkeley |
Paudel | Laxman Sharma | University of South Dakota |
Paul | Jagriti | Tripura University |
paul | Sudipta | Department of physics, Gauhati University |
Payne | Lindsey | Stanford University |
Pearkes | Jannicke | SLAC |
Pearson | Noah | Southern Methodist University |
Pec | Viktor | University of Sheffield |
Peck | Leigh | stanford |
Pedreros | David Santiago | Montreal University |
Pelayo | Rodrigo | Instituto Politécnico Nacional (UPIITA) |
Pellecchia | Antonello | University and INFN Bari |
Penano | Sagada | Stanford Physics |
Perez | Marc Christian | University of the Philippines |
Perri | Daniele | Sapienza, University of Rome |
Pervan | Nikolas | Brown University (US) |
Peskett | Joe | Lancaster University |
Peskin | Michael | SLAC |
Pestana | Rita | Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon |
Pestes | Rebekah | Virginia Tech |
Petrillo | Gianluca | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Petukhova | Krystsina | IPNP MFF Charles University |
Peña | Greco | Universidad de Valparaíso |
Pfaff | Marvin | Technical University of Munich |
Phan | Brandon | university of Florida |
Phan | Dung | The University of Texas at Austin |
Piasetzky | Eli | Tel Aviv University |
Piazza | Federica | Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT) |
Piazza | Gioacchino | Sapienza |
Piccinelli | Andrea | Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT) |
Pierobon | Giovanni | University of New South Wales |
Pincha | Shailesh | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology |
Pinckney | Doug | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Pitik | Tetyana | Niels Bohr Institute |
Pitta | Ricardo | USP |
Pizzuto | Alex | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Plura | Saskia | Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz |
Poehlmann | Michael | University of California, Davis |
Poirè | Chiara | UPV - Universitat Politecnica de Valcencia |
Polasek | C. Wyatt | Community College Of Rhode Island |
Pompa | Francesco | La Sapienza Università di Roma |
Ponce | Francisco | Stanford University |
Ponraj | Yadava Krishnan | P D Patel Institute of Applied Sciences |
Popa-Mateiu | Iulia | University of Melbourne |
Porto Silva | Yago Philippe | Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
Pothier-Leboeuf | Julien | Université de Montréal |
Powell | Meredith | Stanford |
Prabhu | Ani | Stanford University |
Pradhan | Akhila Kumar | IIT Bombay |
Pradhan | Raj Kumar | Tribhuvan University |
PRAJAPATI | PARTH | Ksv University |
Prajapati | Riyal | PDPIAS Charusat |
Prakash | Arul | Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona |
Prakash | Suraj | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Prasad | Bhavna | IISER Bhopal |
Pratt | Veronica | Stanford University |
Pratts | Alvaro | Institute of Physics-UNAM |
Prescod-Weinstein | Chanda | University of New Hampshire |
Priel | Nadav | Stanford University |
Proffitt | Mason | University of Washington |
Prudhoe | Sean | The Pennsylvania State University |
Pulice | Beyhan | İzmir Institute of Technology |
Péli | Zoltán | MTA - DE Particle Physics Research Group |
Qin | Juehang | Purdue University |
Quaid | Salvatore | The University of Iowa |
Quigley | Peter | SNOLAB |
Quyen | Phan | IFIRSE,ICISE |
R | THIRU SENTHIL | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Chennai |
Rabanal Bolaños | Gabriel | Harvard University |
Rahat | Moinul Hossain | University of Florida |
Rahman | Maxx Richard | University of Bonn |
Rahman Mir | Md Samiur | University of Alberta |
Rahmat | Rahmat | SCC |
Rai | Kshiti Sneh | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Rai | Mousam | University of Warwick |
Raj S | Haashika | ECW |
Rajan | Ashwani | IIT Guwahati |
Ramirez | Enrique | CINVESTAV |
Ramirez-Baca | Isaac | ITESM |
Ramlee | Nurdyana | UTM |
Ramos Almada | César | CINVESTAV IPN |
RANA | HIMANSHU SINGH | kumaon university nanital |
Rana | Raj | None |
Rana | Vidisha | Delhi University |
Ranjan | Shobhit | Delhi Technological University |
Raparty | Sri Vatsa | Osmania University Hyderabad |
Rashidazad | Mozhdeh | TAMU |
Rasmussen | Melissa | Utah State University (SULI Intern at SLAC) |
Rathi | Manish | India |
Rattan | Hitesh | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata |
Raturi | Rishabh | Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar |
Ray | Shashank | Veer Narmad South Gujarat University |
Reategui Rojas | Erick Jhordan | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos |
Redha | Hawra | student |
Refaat | Ahmed | sohag university |
Reh | Michael | University of Colorado Boulder |
Rehak | Tyler | Drexel University |
Rejeb Sfar | Haifa | University of Antwerp |
Relekar | Krishna | Abasaheb Garware College, Pune |
Rendón | Javier | cinvestav |
Rentería | David | Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa |
Reyes | Humberto | LPSC Grenoble |
Reyes Hernández | Pablo | University of Guanajuato |
Reynolds | Tyler | University of Florida |
Richardson | Thomas | University of South Carolina |
Ried | Bernardita | University of Chile |
Riess | Adam | STSCI |
Rigan | Ariful | UC Berkeley |
Riley | Rebecca | University of California, Irvine |
Rivera-Rangel | David | Ifm-umsnh |
Rizzo | Thomas | SLAC |
Robertson | Steven | McGill University / IPP |
Robinson | Alan | Université de Montréal |
Robinson | George | Palmia Observatory (Retired) |
Robles Delgado | Gilberto Ricardo | CINVESTAV |
Rodin | Volodymyr | University of Liverpool |
Rodriguez Baez | Yolbeiker | Universidad Federico Santa Maria |
Rodriguez Monroy | Martin | CIEMAT |
Rodriguez Rico | Carlos | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Roepe | Amber | University of Oklahoma |
Rogozenski | Paul | University of Arizona |
Rohit | Vipul | The Maharaja sayajirao University |
Roman | Alex | University of Florida |
Roodman | Aaron | SLAC |
Rosauro | Salvador | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
Rossi | Marco | CERN |
rrapaj | ermal | University of Minnesota |
Ruedisser | Hannah | University of Graz |
Rueter | Dylan | Stanford University |
Runburg | Jack | University of Hawai'i |
Russell | Brooke | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Russo | Graziella | Sapienza University of Rome |
Ryan | Michael | Penn State |
Sabla | Vivian | Dartmouth College |
Safa | Ibrahim | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Saha | Bipradeep | IISER kolkata |
Sahafi | Sahar | Student |
Saheewala | Harsh | Bhupal nobels' University |
Sahu | Purushottam | IIT Bhilai |
Sahu | Teekendra | Observational studies of Blazars |
Saifuddin | Burhani Taher | Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh |
Saikia | Ishwita | Southern Methodist University |
Salas | Amanda | Physics Student |
Salazar | Ramon | The University of Texas at Austin |
Salazar Quiroz | Gerald | Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería |
Saldanha | Richard | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Salesa Greus | Francisco | IFIC (Univ. de Valencia - CSIC) |
Salimonu | Oladeji | Stanford University |
Salman | Rahaf | physics |
salman | zahraa | student |
Samir Amin | Mohamed | Mansoura University |
Sanal | Athira | Dartmouth |
Sanchez | Gonzalo | Cinvestav |
Sanchez Garcia | Edgar | CIEMAT |
Sanchez Pelaez | Marta Liliana | University of Antioquia |
Sanchez Rodriguez | Julio Cesar | Cinvestav |
Sanchez-Hernandez | Alberto | CINVESTAV Mexico City |
Sander | Joel | University of South Dakota |
Sander | Kyler | Dordt University Student |
Sanders | Oscar | CINVESTAV |
Sanghavi | Joy | IIT Bombay |
Sangwan | Archana | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
SANJAYKUMAR PANCHAL | VIVEKKUMAR | Government Science Colllege, Gandhinagar Sector-15 |
Sapienza | Piera | INFN |
Saret | Lemuel Gavin | National Institute of Physics |
Saret | Lemuel Gavin | National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines, Diliman |
Sarhan | Yasmin | Faculty of science Minufya university |
Sarkar | Agnivo | IIT Gandhinagar |
Sarkar | Tanmay | National Central University (TW) |
Sarkar | Uttiya | Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN) |
Sarma Boruah | Supranta | University of Waterloo |
Sassi | Mohamed Younes | Technical University Munich |
Sato-Polito | Gabriela | Johns Hopkins University |
Sattari | Ata | Student |
Satyavolu | Sindhu Sri Sravya | TIFR Mumbai |
Sauer | Birte Christina | Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE) |
Savoie | Jeremy | University of Montreal |
Saxena | Yash | University of Delhi |
Scarff | Andrew | University of Sheffield |
Scharbach | Peter | University of Oxford |
Schloesser | Caspar | ETH Zurich |
Schnee | Richard | South Dakota Scool of Mines & Technology |
Schoenwaelder | Christopher | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Schwartzman | Ariel | SLAC |
Sehrawat | Ashish | Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo Mexico |
Seikh | Mohammad Ful Hossain | Aligarh Muslim University |
Seller | Károly | Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
Selvan | Karthik Raja | National University of Malaysia (UKM) |
Sen | Chandrima | Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad |
Sen | Manibrata | UC Berkeley and Northwestern University |
Sengupta | Aditya | Amity University, Noida |
Sengupta | Dibyashree | University of Oklahoma |
Serna | José | IF-UNAM |
Servant | Geraldine | DESY |
SHABI | AMATULLAH | Jazan university |
Shaglel | Salwa | University of Siegen |
Shah | Rahul | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
Shah` | Neev | IISER Pune |
Shailesh | Isha | Jawaharlal Nehru University |
Shamma | Michael | University of California, Riverside |
Shankar | Ananya | Gargi College, Delhi University |
Shankar H | Gauri | Pondicherry University |
SHANSHAHID | MUHAMMED | Hindu college |
Sharma | Deepanshu | Amity University |
Sharma | Dhiraj | VNSGU Surat |
Sharma | Kritti | IIT Bombay |
Sharma | Paras | RCOEM |
Sharma | Prachi | Panjab University |
Sharma | Punit | The University of Iowa, US ATLAS |
Sharma | Rakshya | Self |
Sharma | Shraddha | Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University |
Sharma | Vivek | Virginia Tech |
Sharnagat | Purva | Iit delhi |
Shayegan Shirazi | Ali | Sharif university |
Shekar | Danush | Student |
Shekhar | Shwetank | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology |
Sheoran | Rashmi | University of Delhi |
Sherman | Nora | Brandeis University |
Shevchenko | Alexey | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
Shillington | Trevor | McGill University |
Shin | Seungho | Seoul Global High School |
Shirke | Swarnim | IIT Bombay |
Shively | Savannah | University of California Irvine |
Shreyber | Irina | NRC "Kurchatov Institute" (ITEP) (RU) |
Shrivastava | Anushka | Brandeis University |
Shrivastava | Ashish | AshXplorer |
Shukla | Ashutosh | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Shukla | Saurabh | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India |
Shyam | Sai | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
Shyamsundar | Prasanth | University of Florida |
Si | Weinan | University of California, Riverside |
Silva Lafaurie | Javier | Universidad de Chile |
Silva Torrecilla | Isleydys | Self |
Silveira de Oliveira | Bianca Maria | Unicamp |
Silverman | Dennis | UC Irvine |
Simhony | Yoav | Tel aviv university |
Simotas | Kathlynn | Stanford University |
Simpson | Farrah | Brown University |
Simsek | Sinem | Istanbul Bilgi University |
Singal | Aman | Stony Brook University |
Singh | Alex | University of Delhi |
Singh | Amitesh | National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India |
Singh | Anurag | Iit kanpur |
Singh | Divya | Pennsylvania State University |
Singh | Ishwar | University of Delhi, Delhi, India |
Singh | Jaydip | University of Lucknow |
Singh | Manoj Kumar | GLA University, Mathura, India. |
Singh | Navdeep | IIT Delhi, postgraduate student |
Singh | Prabhjot | University of Delhi, India |
Singh | Rajeev | Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Singh | Riya | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Singh | Sahibjeet | University of Toronto |
Singh | Saurabh | Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
Singh | Yashraj | Student |
Singh bisht! | Mohit | Student |
Singha | Dinesh Kumar | University Of Hyderabad |
singhal | Anshul | Jaypee institute of information technology, Noida |
Singirikonda | Haveesh | Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad |
Singleton | Douglas | California State University, Fresno |
Sinha | Sukanya | University of Witwatersrand |
Sinha | Swetam | University of Delhi |
Sitaphale | Bhavana | T.Y. B.Sc. |
Sitraka | Andriaseta | South Dakota School of Mines and Technology |
Skrzypek | Barbara | Harvard University |
Slatyer | Tracy | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
Smarra | Clemente | Sapienza University of Rome |
Smith | Rachel | Stanford University |
Smith | Tyler | University of California, Irvine |
Smithers | Benjamin | University of Texas, Arlington |
Smolsky | Joseph | M.I.T. |
Smylie | Matt | The Ohio State University |
snapp | kari | SLAC |
Snead | Dave | Saguarosoft |
Snoek | Hella | University Staff |
Sobel | Henry | Univ. of California, Irvine |
Soffer | Abi | Tel Aviv University |
Solís López | Jordi | Cinvestav |
Soma | Arun Kumar | Drexel University |
Song | Deheng | Virginia Tech |
Song | Hasung | Boston University |
Song | Huayang | University of Arizona |
Song | Wen-Yi | York University |
Soni | Smit | Guj uni |
Soto Rodríguez | Alejandro | University of Oviedo |
Soto-Oton | Jose | CIEMAT |
Soualah | Rachik | University of Sharjah and ICTP |
SOUMAIMI | Zainab | Mohammed V University |
Sousa | Tomás | Student |
Speller | Danielle | Johns Hopkins University |
Spourdalakis | Aris | University of Toronto |
Srivastava | Manu | Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay |
Stakia | Anna | National Centre for Scientific Research 'Demokritos' |
Stewart | Joshua | Oklahoma State University |
Stifter | Kelly | Stanford University/SLAC |
Stockman | Ava | student |
Stottler | Zachary | Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment) |
Stracka | Simone | INFN Pisa |
Street | Joseph | South Dakota School of Mines & Technology |
Su | Dong | SLAC |
Su | Wei | Uni of Adelaide |
Suarez | Cristina | Johns Hopkins University |
Suarez | Gerardo | CINVESTAV |
Suarez Gonzalez | Juan Guillermo | Universidad EIA, Envigado, Colombia |
Subieta Vasquez | Martin Alfonso | Universidad Mayor de San Andres (UMSA) |
Subramanian | Sharada | University of Mumbai |
Suerfu | Burkhant | UC Berkeley |
Suliga | Anna Malgorzata | Niels Bohr Institutet |
Sulman | Abdullah | AMCAS_ME Club for astronomy and space |
Sun | Xiaochen | Imperial College London graduate student |
Sunar | Ezgi | PhD Student |
Suriyanarayanan | Vishal | Tata Institute of Fundamental research |
Sutton | Kathryn | Columbia University |
Svetitsky | Benjamin | Tel Aviv University |
Sweigart | David | Cornell University |
Sánchez Losa | Agustín | INFN - Sezione di Bari |
Tahelyani | Divya | International Center for Cosmology, CHARUSAT |
Tait | Timothy | University of California, Irvine (UCI) |
Talha | Mohd | Aligarh Muslim University |
Tambe | Yash | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological Univesity |
Tan | Joanne | UC Berkeley |
Tan | Lizbeth Joy | University of the Philippines Diliman |
tanaka | hirohisa | SLAC |
Tanedo | Flip | UC Riverside |
Tang | Yong | University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Tangarife | Walter | Loyola University Chicago |
Tanin | Erwin | Johns Hopkins University |
Tank | Ami | Student of St. Xavier's college, Ahmedabad |
Tanna | Hemangkumar | The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda |
Tanzella | Francis | Energy Research Center, LLC |
Tapadar | Ananya | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
Tarrant | Adam | RHUL |
Tawde | Gaurang | University of Mumbai |
Tedeschi | Tommaso | University and INFN, Perugia (IT) |
Tekani | Jatin | St Xavier's College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat |
Temples | Dylan | Northwestern University |
Tenti | Matteo | INFN - BO |
Terzi | Büşra | İstanbul Technical University |
Thakkar | Jahaan | St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad |
Thalore | Praveen | S S Jain Subodh PG College |
Theiner | Ondrej | Université de Genève |
Thommasson | Kimbrelle | PNNL |
Thompson | Jedidiah | Stanford University |
Thorpe | Christopher | Lancaster University |
Ti-Kai | Chou | National Center University |
Timalsina | Rasmita | Tribhuvan University |
Timlasina | Madan | SDSMT |
Tiscareño Ramirez | Jhonny | CINVESTAV IPN |
Tiwari | Deepak | PICO, Université de Montréal |
tiwari | Shivang | BHU |
Tiwari | Vivek | IIT BOMBAY |
To | Chun-Hao | Stanford |
To | Wing | CSU Stanisalaus |
Todorovic | Natasa | University of Novi Sad |
Tomar | Aniket | Colorado State University |
Torres | Ibrahim | INAOE |
Torro Pastor | Emma | Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) - CSIC - UV |
Tran | Nam | Boston University |
Trautner | Andreas | Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Treesukrat | Wararat | Srinakharinwirot University |
Treffert | Franziska | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Tremolada | Alexis | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos |
Trendafilova | Cynthia | Southern Methodist University |
Tripathi | Apoorv | University of Delhi |
Tripathi | Vidhi | Charusat university, changa |
Trivedi | Sarthak | Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya |
Trodden | Mark | University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) |
Trojanowski | Sebastian | University of Sheffield |
Tsai | Meng-Ju | University of Michigan |
Tsai | Tien Hsueh | NTHU |
Tsai | Yu-Dai | Fermilab, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Tsai | Yun-Tse | SLAC |
tulefat | tefla | bahrain |
Turgeman | Daniel | Weizmann Institute |
Tzanetou | Katerina | National Technical University of Athens |
Tzanis | Polyneikis | National Technical University of Athens |
Ubhegaonker | Koustubh | SIBM |
Ueland | Madison | Stanford / KIPAC |
Ugale | Sahil | Chauhan Institute Of Science |
Ugalino | Mark Ivan | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Ugoccioni | Alice | Sapienza-Università di Roma |
Ujhanthachhen | Sriman | self |
Umar | Mohd | University of Lucknow |
Uppala | Hrithik | Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College |
urisman | elior | tel aviv university |
Uysal | Zekeriya | Bogazici University |
Vadodaria | Neel | St. Xavier’s College- Ahmedabad |
Vakil | Shankul | Times Group |
VALA | MAULESH | Student |
Valencia Díaz | María De Los Ángeles | Universidad del Valle |
Valentim da Costa Lima | Rodolfo | Federal University of São Paulo |
Valera | Victor | Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics |
Valluri | Sagarika Rao | RNSIT |
Van De Pontseele | Wouter | Harvard University |
van der Boom | Daniella | TAU |
van Eeden | Thijs | Nikhef |
Vancraeynest | Bram | UGent |
Vandegar | Maxime | SLAC |
Vanegas Forero | David | Universidad de Medellin |
Vargas | Alex | San Jose State University |
Vasquez | Gabriel | The Ohio State University |
Vasudevan | Mahashree | SASTRA Deemed To Be University , Thanjavur |
Vavra | Jerry | SLAC, retired |
Veen | Michiel | Nikhef |
Velasco | David | Fermilab |
Venkatesh | T.S.Sachin | Delhi Technological University |
Verma | Ankur | Texas A&M University, College Station |
Verma | Chirag | University of Delhi |
Verma | Himanshu | IIT Bombay |
Verma | Jay | International center for cosmology,. CHARUSAT University |
Verma | Sonali | Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa |
Vernieri | Caterina | SLAC |
Veziroğlu | Sümeyye | phd. student at deparment of physics, Yildiz Technical University |
Vico | Carlos | University of Oviedo |
Vignatti | Jonatan | Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María |
vikas | vikas | Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay |
Villazon | Felipe | Universidad Catolica del Norte |
Vitalic | Antonio | University of Chile |
Viththani | DIVYESH | Charusat University |
Volkmer | Juliane | TU Dresden |
Vuong | Pham Ngoc Hoa | LPSC Grenoble, CNRS |
Vyas | Amit | MSc physics |
Vélez Quiñones | Juan Camilo | Universidad del Valle |
Wagaarachchi | Sachinthya | UC Berkeley |
Wagner-Carena | Sebastian | Stanford University / SLAC |
Wagoner | Robert | Stanford Physics Dept. & KIPAC |
Waldron | Abbey | Imperial College London |
Wang | Ann | Harvard University (US) |
Wang | Biao | The University of Alabama |
Wang | Jiaxiang | Yale University |
Wang | Shao-Jiang | Tufts University |
Wang | Winnie | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Wang | Xilu | University of Notre Dame/ University of California, Berkeley |
Wang | Yue | Stony Brook University |
Wang | Yue | University of Rochester |
Wang | Yunchong (Richie) | Stanford University |
Wang | Zihui | NYU |
Weatherly | Pierce | Drexel University |
Wechsler | Risa | SLAC |
Weiss | Talia | Yale University |
Welch | Ethan | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Wendt | David | SLAC |
Wenke | Nina | Max-Planck-Institute for Physics |
White | Lori | KIPAC |
Winchell | Joshua | Texas A&M University |
Winslow | Lindley | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
Wise | Joseph | Wildwood School |
Wojcik | George | SLAC |
Wolf | Alex | Nuclear Physics Dept. Tel Aviv University |
Wolfe | Dale | TXE Systems |
Wolkerstorfer | Gloria | Graz University of Technology |
Wong | Wing Yan | Brown University |
Wood | Kevin | Stony Brook University |
Woodward | David | Penn State University |
Wsol | John | Cosmology Enthusiast |
Wu | Wenjie | University of California, Irvine |
Wulz | Claudia-Elisabeth | HEPHY Vienna |
Wyenberg | Jason | Dordt University |
Wyenberg | Jason | University of South Dakota |
Wykoff | Kevin | South Dakota Mines |
Xia | Shilo | Yale |
xiang | zhen | ECNU |
Xie | Tian | University of Wisconsin Madison |
Xu | Bin | University of Florida |
Xu | Fang | Washington University |
Xu | Jiachuan | University of Arizona |
Xu | Ling-Xiao | Peking University/ Scuola Normale Superiore |
Xu | Shiyuan | Oklahoma State University |
Xu | Zijun | SLAC |
YADAV | MAHESH | Sant Longowal Institute of engineering and technology |
Yadav | Preeti | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Yadav | Yash | B.Tech |
Yang | Guang | Stony Brook University |
Yang | Jiawen | Texas A&M University |
Yang | Lan | NJU |
Yang | Liang | UCSD |
Yates | Lauren | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Ye | Christine | Student |
Ye | Zhenyu | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Yebra | Azarael | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Yeh | Shu-Wei | National Tsing Hua University |
Yellin | Steven | Stanford |
Yeung | Terry | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Yevarouskaya | Uladzislava | University of Catania |
Yip | Hoi Tung | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
yoo | changhyun | Kyung Hee Universiry |
Young | Betty | Santa Clara Unversity |
Young | Charles | SLAC |
Young | Edward | Stanford/SLAC |
Yovych | Anastasiia | DESY, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
Yu | Cyndia | Stanford University |
Yu | Shin-Shan | National Central University |
Yu | Shiqi | IIT/ANL |
Yu | To Chin | SLAC |
Yunus | Sameen | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Zaazoua | Mohamed | University Mohammed 5, rabat |
Zapata | Luis | CINVESTAV |
Zarifi | Omid | Sharif university of technology |
Zarnecki | Aleksander Filip | University of Warsaw |
Zatschler | Birgit | IKTP, TU Dresden |
Zatschler | Stefan | TU Dresden, IKTP |
Zaytsev | Alexander | University of Hamburg |
Zeleny | Moises | BUAP |
Zenger | Douglas | Brandeis University |
Zerradi | Soufiane | Universite Hassan II of Casablanca |
Zglam | Ala | The University of Sheffield |
Zhang | Hong-Yi | Rice University |
Zhang | Huanian | The University of Arizona |
Zhang | Shuchen | Johns Hopkins University |
Zhang | Wenyu | Brown University (US) |
Zhang | Yuanyuan | Fermilab |
Zhang | Zhuowen | University of Chicago |
Zheng | Jiaming | Shanghai Jiao-tong University |
Zheng | Lei | Texas A&M University |
Zhou | Bei | The Ohio State University |
Zhou | Conghao | UCSC |
Zhou | Dazhi | strw |
Zhou | Kevin | Stanford University |
Zhu | Fangjun | Northwestern University |
Zicoschi | Alessio | "Sapienza" University of Rome |
Ziegler | Andrew | Penn State |
Zornoza | Juande | IFIC (Univ. de Valencia - CSIC) |
Zuñiga Reyes | Ariel | Institute of Physics - National Autonomo |