Photocathode Physics for Photoinjectors Workshop

November 12, 2021
The Photocathode Physics for Photoinjectors (P3) workshop series was started in 2010 as a gathering of community members to share work on photocathodes. The workshop brings together a diverse group of theorists, materials scientists and condensed matter and accelerator physicists with the common goal of developing the theoretical understanding and practical application of advanced photocathodes.
The next P3 workshop will be co-hosted by SLAC and the NSF Center for Bright Beams. The workshop sessions will be organized according to application, as in previous years, but the format will be slightly modified in order to facilitate quality discussions.
Local Chair
- Theodore Vecchione
Co Chair
- Siddharth Karkare
Scientific Committee
- Luca Cultrera
- Dimitre Dimitrov
- Daniele Filippetto
- Mengjia Gaowei
- Carlos Hernandez-Garcia
- Kevin Jensen
- Siddharth Karkare
- Jared Maxson
- Nathan Moody
- Pietro Musumeci
- John Smedley
- Marcy Stutzman
- Theodore Vecchione
Speaker | Presentation Title | Recording |
Josh Coleman | A long pulse test stand for field emission cathodes and photocathodes | Video |
Hisato Yamaguchi | Use of 2D materials as unique protection layer for bialkali photocathodes | video |
Jyoti Biswas | Progress towards long lifetime photocathodes with protective layer | Video |
Jai Kwan Bae | Improving lifetime of GaAs photocathode by activating with Cs, Sb, O | Video |
Marcy Stutzman | Strained Superlattice GaAs/GaAsP: Efforts to restore production... | Video |
Eric Montgomery | Spin-filtered photoemission and polarimetry efforts at Euclid | Video |
Speaker | Presentation Title | Recording |
Rong Xiang | Recent progress on advanced photocathodes for superconducting RF guns | Video |
Erdong Wang | Photo-guns Development and Operation at BNL | Video |
Chad Pennington | Recent Progress on Advanced Photocathodes in High Gradient Guns | Video |
John Lewellen | QW SRF Gun Development for LCLS-II-HE | Video |
Huamu Xie | The Cryogenic operation of K2CsSb photocathode in the DC-SRF photoinjector at PKU | Video |
Speaker | Presentation Title | Recording |
Romain Ganter | Emittance and photocathodes at SwissFEL | Video |
David Pavel Juarez Lopez | Current photocathode lifetime at FLASH and European XFEL | Video |
Alice Galdi | Molecular beam epitaxy of Cs3Sb: a single crystalline high efficiency photocathode | Video |
Luca Cultrera | III-Nitride materials and engineered structures | Video |
Mark Hogan | Advanced Accelerator Concepts and Facilities – laser Cleaning now while planning for colliders of the future | Video |
Andreas Schroeder | Connecting band structure to sub-picosecond spectral photoemission properties | Video |
Kevin Nangoi | Ab initio many-body photoemission theory of transverse momentum distributions of photoelectrons from single-crystal materials | Video |
Kevin Jensen | Electron Emission Models for Simulation | Video |
Oksana Chubenko | Monte Carlo Study of Photoemission Properties of Semiconductor Cathodes for Accelerator Applications | Video |
Peng Zhang | Exact Quantum Solution for Photoemission at Ultrafast and Ultra small Scales | Video |
John Petillo | Chemical and Geometric Contributions to Intrinsic Emittance for Electron Emission | Video |
Speaker | Presentation Title | Recording |
Siddharth Karkare | Photoemission sources for non-pulsed/DC microscopy applications | Video |
William Li & Cameron Duncan | Alkali antimonide photocathode performance in ultrafast electron microdiffraction | Video |
Christopher Pierce | High Brightness Sources of Few Electrons | Video |
Giovanni Maria Vanacore | Ultrafast coherent manipulation of a free-electron wave function via electron-light quantum interaction | Video |
Alex Stibor | Superconducting niobium nanotip electron field emitter | Video |
Poster Sessions
Participant List
Last Name | First Name | Institution |
Adhikari | Gowri | DESY |
Adolphsen | Chris | SLAC |
Alexander | Anna | LANL |
Andorf | Matthew | Cornell Univeristy |
Angeloni | Louis | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Antoniuk | Evan | Stanford University |
Bae | Jai Kwan | Cornell University |
Banerjee | Sneha | Sandia National Labs |
Barklow | Timothy | SLAC |
Baryshev | Sergey | Michigan State University |
Bazarov | Ivan | Cornell University |
Benjamin | Christopher | University of Warwick |
Bhandari | Harish | RMD Inc |
Biswas | Jyoti | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Brückner | Leon | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Chen | Ye | DESY |
Chubenko | Oksana | ASU |
Churn | Hugh | STFC Daresbury Laboratory |
Coleman | Josh | LANL |
Corbett | Jeff | Stanford Linear Accelerator center |
Croman | Joseph | Naval Research Laboratory |
Cultrera | Luca | Brookhaven National Laboratories |
Dimitrov | Dimitre | LANL |
Dolgashev | Valery | SLAC |
Dong | Zixuan | Tsinghua university |
Dowell | David | SLAC |
Du | Yingchao | Tsinghua University, Beijing, China |
Dube | Jonas | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin |
Dubea | Jonas | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin |
Duncan | Cameron | Cornell University |
Dunham | Bruce | SLAC |
Echeverria | Elena | Oklahoma State University - Cornell |
Engel | Aaron | UC Santa Barbara |
Farkhondeh | Manouchehr | US Department of Energy |
Fazio | Michael | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Fazio | Michael | SLAC |
Filippetto | Daniele | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Galdi | Alice | Università degli Studi di Salerno |
Ganter | Romain | PSI Switzerland |
Gaowei | Mengjia | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Gerstmayr | Elias | SLAC |
Gevorkyan | Gevork | Arizona State University |
Gross | Matthias | DESY |
Guerini Rocco | Giorgio | INFN (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics) and Univ. of Milan |
Hernandez-Garcia | Carlos | Jefferson Lab |
Hogan | Mark | SLAC |
Huang | Chengkun | LANL |
Huang | Pengwei | Tsinghua University, Beijing, China |
Huang | Zhirong | SLAC |
Jensen | Kevin | Naval Research Laboratory |
Jones | Lee | STFC Daresbury Laboratory |
Juarez Lopez | David Pavel | DESY |
Kachwala | Alimohammed | Arizona State University |
Kamps | Thorsten | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Kapadia | Rehan | University of Southern California |
Karkare | Siddharth | Arizona State University |
Kim | Sang-hoon | Facility for Rare Isotope Beams |
Knauft | Manuel | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Knill | Christopher | Arizona State University |
Konomi | Taro | KEK |
Krejcik | Patrick | SLAC |
Kuehn | Julius | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin |
Lederer | Sven | DESY |
Leedle | Kenneth | Stanford University |
Lemons | Randy | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Lessner | Eliane | DOE-Basic Energy Sciences |
Lessner | Eliane | DOE-Basic Energy Sciences |
Lewellen | John | SLAC |
Li | William | Cornell University |
Li | Renkai | Tsinghua University |
Liu | Ao | Euclid Techlabs |
Löhrl | Bastian | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Lucas | Thomas | Paul Scherrer Institute |
Maxson | Jared | Cornell University |
Mirza | Ibrahim | University of Tennessee |
Mistry | Sonal | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin |
Mohanty | Sandeep | DESY Zeuthen |
Monaco | Laura | INFN LASA |
Montgomery | Eric | Euclid Techlabs |
Moody | Nathan | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Musumeci | Pietro | UCLA |
Nangoi | J. Kevin | Cornell University |
NGUYEN | DINH | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Noakes | Timothy | STFC Daresbury Laboratory |
Novokhatski | Alexander | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Padmore | Howard | Lbnl |
Palacios Serrano | Gabriel | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Patterson | Ritchie | Cornell University |
Pavlenko | Vitaly | LANL |
Pennington | Chad | Cornell University |
Petillo | John | Leidos |
Pierce | Christopher | Cornell University |
Pinayev | Igor | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Poddar | Shashi | Euclid Techlabs |
Popielarski | John | FRIB |
Power | John | Argonne National Laboratory |
Qian | Houjun | DESY |
Rahman | Md Aziz Ar | Old Dominion University |
Rocco | Emma | SUNY Polytechnic Institute |
Rodriguez | Ambar | University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez |
Saha | Pallavi | Arizona State University |
Saito | Kenji | MSU/FRIB |
Sandvik | Shadi | State University of New York Polytechnic Institute |
Sarabia Cardenas | Carlos | Arizona State University |
Saripalli | Ravikiran | Tulane university |
Saßnick | Holger-Dietrich | Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
Schaber | Jana | Helmholtz-Centre Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) |
Schier | Richard | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Schroeder | Andreas | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Sergio | Carbajo | UCLA and SLAC |
Sertore | Daniele | INFN Milano - LASA |
Shan | Ir-Jene | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Shen | Xiaozhe | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Shiloh | Roy | FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Smedley | John | LANL |
Soomary | Liam | University of Liverpool / STFC Daresbury Lab |
Stephan | Frank | DESY, Zeuthen site |
Stibor | Alexander | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Stutzman | Marcy | Jefferson Lab |
Sun | Yine | Argonne National Lab. |
Tafel | Alexander | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) |
Thapa | Rakshya | Institut für Kernphysik |
Tyukin | Valery | Inst. of Nuclear Phys. JGU Mainz |
Vanacore | Giovanni Maria | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Vecchione | Theodore | SLAC |
Veitzer | Seth | Tech-X Corp. |
Wang | Erdong | BNL |
Wisniewski | Eric | ANL |
Xiang | Rong | Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf |
Xie | Huamu | Peking University |
Xu | Ting | FRIB, MSU |
Yamaguchi | Hisato | LANL |
Zhang | Peng | Michigan State University |
Zhang | Peng | Michigan State University |
Zhang | Shukui | Jefferson Lab |
Zheng | Lianmin | Tsinghua University |
Zhou | Yang | Michigan State University |
Zhou | Feng | SLAC |